HappyABC-中西方绘画差异 DJ黄冰清 史淑萍

HappyABC-中西方绘画差异 DJ黄冰清 史淑萍

2017-11-22    15'05''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

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HappyABC关于十九大会风–DJ黄冰清 史淑萍 K:Hey,guys.Welcome to our HappyABC,I am your friend katelyn ,淑萍 B:And I'm your friend Blanche,冰清.中西方有着不同的历史文化背景,构成了中西方绘画思想等各方面的差异,但是归根结底,对于美学的追求,人文精神的体现等,都是相似的。 The history of Chinese and western have different cultural background, form the thought and so on various aspects of the differences between Chinese and western painting, but in the end, for the pursuit of aesthetics, the embodiment of the humanistic spirit and so on, are all similar, painting with its real metamorphosis , heavy to us with strong color of visual enjoyment, featured with its connotation of ancient Chinese painting, can only feel it lets place oneself among them broad and artistically . K:For different paintings, we have to use different aesthetic angles to observe, to understand, not to say what is good, what is not good. So, what are the differences between Chinese and western paintings? The following is a simple analysis. 西画以其真实厚重的画面感,给我们以视觉上强烈的色彩享受,中国画以其古韵内涵的特色,让我们置身其中才能感受它的博大与气韵。对于不同的绘画,我们要用不同的审美角度去观察,去体会,不能单一的说什么是好的,什么是不好的。那么,中西方绘画到底存在哪些差异?我们一起来探究一下 B: Different artistic conception Westerners believe in pioneering and enterprising. Therefore, it is important to explore objectively and restore reality. This static fixed view of painting, forming the focus perspective, depending in nearly little space for physical perspective, whether true scene sketches or painter writing some imagination and fictional subject, the viewer can always give yourself to find a fixed position, make the person produces, such as the landscape of the true feeling. K:As western painters fixed observation, that object in a fixed light source of present a kind of relatively stable under the influence of light and shade color change relations, so the west painter heavy shading and natural light to shape the image of color, to stereo feeling, just as Michelangelo said: "the best painting should be like sculpture. B:这第一个就是不同的意境 西方人崇尚开拓进取,故重客观探索,重对景写生,还原真实存在。这种静态固定观物作画,形成焦点透视,出现近大远小的物理性透视空间,无论是真景写生还是画家创作某种想象和虚构的题材,观者总能给自己找到一个固定的位置,使人产生身临其境,如观真景的感觉。由于西方画家固定观察物,发现物象在固定光源影响下呈现出的那种相对稳定的明暗色彩变化关系,故西画家重明暗法和自然光色塑造形象,以求立体感,正如米开朗基罗所说:“最好的绘画应该像雕刻”。 K:中国画则不然,中国人的“天人合一”观念形成的民族精神偏重和平、安逸、内向、追求主体投入客体的和谐统一,重视对客观事物所感所悟的自我表现,已达到物我相渗,主观的情和客观的景相交融,最终达到山性即我性,水情即我情,我与自然合二为一的境界。因此,画家往往是边行动边观察,体验自然,感受自然,化入自然,最终凭记忆可以大取大舍,保留最能表现物我精神的形象特征。 The view of the western landscape has a real sense of reality, the viewer can walk into the picture, and then view the Chinese landscape painting, some people with the sense of the unity of landscape, the viewer is in the painting, can swim the sense of the house. B:Different picture presentation content The western painting is beautiful in the real world, the picture is filled with the real natural image, the expression humanism thought, affirming the real life and the secular life sad, a place not to draw is not.西画为单纯的人物和景物,而中国画中却出现诗、书、画、印构成综合一体的艺术形象。诗画结合可起到点题和生发作用,二来是按诗作画,宋代画院的考题就是选诗作画;书画同体一是融书法于画法,古有工画者必工书之说. K:However, Chinese painters often leave a blank space on the screen, and the picture of the birds and birds does not draw the background, creating a wonderful empty inspiration. Chinese painting without painting is blank, but leave the viewer's biggest room for imagination and recreation, such as a piece of white paper draw a sailing boat, only the viewer feel are filled with water, so the appreciation of Chinese painting should not only see tangible, more to enjoy no painting, where no picture for the scenic spots, appreciation cannot be ignored, the highest aesthetic realm of Chinese painting is out of thin air, the intangible tangible. B:第二个就是不同的表现手法.另一涵义是用书法将诗书写于画面,使书、诗、画相得益彰,各自增色;画与印并提也有两层意思,一是作为印证,二是自元代以来水墨画盛行,印章之不仅仅作为标记,而且成为画面不可缺少的章法组成部分。 Different ways of expression Western painting is a simple figure and scenery, while Chinese painting has the artistic image of poetry, books, paintings and seals. The combination of poems and paintings can be used as a point and a function, and the second is to draw poems. The examination questions of the song dynasty school are selected poems and paintings. K:Calligraphy and painting is one of the works of calligraphy and painting. The other meaning is to use calligraphy to write poems in pictures, so that books, poems and paintings complement each other and add color to each other. Painting and seal and also has two meanings, one is as support, 2 it is ink painting flourished since the yuan dynasty, the seals not only as a tag, and become an indispensable composition part of the picture. Therefore, the Chinese literati paintings are in strict sense composed of literature, calligraphy, sculpture and painting.所以,中国文人画在严格意义上是由文学、书法、雕刻和绘画构成的综合艺术形式。 K:OK ,that's all for todays HappyABC,I'm your friend katelyn. B:I'm your friend Blanche,see you next week.Bye~