

2015-09-11    19'28''

主播: 英语直播间

3882 238

1) How many Plaza dancers are there estimated to be in China? a) 2 million b) 20 million c) 100 million d) 1 billion 2) Plaza dancing can be dated back as far as the Emperor Yao and the Song dynasty. When did it become a popular modern day hobby? a) 1970's b) 1980' c) 1990's d) 2000's 3) In a group of dancers where will the most proficient dancers stand? a) At the front of the group b) At the Back of the group c) Spread out across the group d) Proficient dancers tend to dance on their own 4) Which pop song features plaza dancing in the music video? a) Little apple (xiao pingguo) - Chopstick brothers b) gangnam style - PSY c) one and only (wei yi) - Leehom Wang d) I don't want to grow up (bu xiang zhang da) - SHE 5) How many official types of Plaza dancing are there? a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6 6) In 2013 there was a reported incident of a man who take over-the-top actions against plaza dancers, what did he do? a) Scream at them b) Throw dirt at them c) Fire a shotgun in the air d) spraid them with water