170814 经典文学《简·爱》 第198期

170814 经典文学《简·爱》 第198期

2017-08-14    01'31''

主播: Fred英语笔记

9820 175

And did I now think Miss Ingram such a choice as Mr. Rochester would be likely to make? 那么,我现在是不是认为,英格拉姆小姐有可能成为罗切斯特先生的意中人呢? I could not tell — I did not know his taste in female beauty. 我说不上来 — 我不了解他在女性美方面的好恶。 If he liked the majestic, she was the very type of majesty. 要是他喜欢端庄,她正是端庄的典型。 Then she was accomplished, sprightly. 而且她多才多艺,充满活力。 Most gentlemen would admire her, I thought. 我想多数有身份的人都会倾慕她。 And that he did admire her, I already seemed to have obtained proof. 而他确实倾慕她,我似乎已有依据。 To remove the last shade of doubt, it remained but to see them together. 要消除最后的一丝怀疑,就只要看他们呆在一起时的情景就行了。 You are not to suppose, reader, that Adèle has all this time been sitting motionless on the stool at my feet. 读者呵,你别以为阿黛勒始终在我脚边的小凳子上端坐不动。 No. When the ladies entered, she rose, advanced to meet them, 她可不是。女士们一进来,她便站起来,迎了上去, made a stately reverence, and said with gravity: "Bon jour, mesdames." 端端正正鞠了一躬,并且一本正经地说:"美好的一天,各位。" And Miss Ingram had looked down at her with a mocking air, and exclaimed, "Oh, what a little puppet!" 英格拉姆小姐带着嘲弄的神情低头看她,并嚷道:"哈,一个多小的玩偶!" Lady Lynn had remarked, "It is Mr. Rochester's ward, I suppose — the little French girl he was speaking of." 林恩太太说道,"我猜想她是罗切斯特先生监护的孩子 — 他常挂在嘴边的法国小姑娘。" Mrs. Dent had kindly taken her hand, and given her a kiss. 登特太太和蔼地握住她的手,给了她一个吻。 Amy and Louisa Eshton had cried out simultaneously — "What a love of a child!" 艾米和路易莎·埃希顿不约而同地叫道:"多可爱的孩子!" And then they had called her to a sofa, where she now sat, ensconced between them, 随后她们把她叫到一张沙发跟前。此刻她就坐在沙发上,夹在她们中间, chattering alternately in French and broken English, absorbing not only the young ladies' attention, 用法语和蹩脚的英语交替聊天,不但引起了年轻小姐们的注意, but that of Mrs. Eshton and Lady Lynn, and getting spoilt to her heart's content. 而且也惊动了埃希顿太太和林恩太太。阿黛勒心满意足地受着大伙的宠爱。 At last coffee is brought in, and the gentlemen are summoned. 最后端上了咖啡,男宾们都被请了进来。