

2017-06-23    05'16''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) The savagery of grief tore at Yann, filled him with rage, stripped him of his gift for reading people’s minds. All that was left was the silence of heartache. His past and his future had been gobbled up and spat out again as if the very marrow had been sucked from his soul with the murder of Têtu. Lost in the fury of his thoughts, he hadn’t heard one word Mr. Laxton had been saying, until finally, standing in the hall of the house in Queen Square, he realized that by some twist of fate he had entered another world, and he didn’t want to be here. 悲伤撕扯着Yann,他充满了愤怒,他无法读到人们的思想了。似乎只剩下了心痛。他的过去和未来似乎被吞下去,又吐了出来,又仿佛已从Têtu的谋杀案中,让自己的灵魂迷失了。 Laxon先生一直说着些什么,Yann沉溺在自己的世界里,一个字也没有听到。直到最后,Yann站在皇后广场房子的大厅里,他意识到命运对自己的捉弄。自己进入了另一个世界,而他不想在这里。 Henry Laxton’s valet, Vane, had been with his master for many years and spoke tolerable French. He took Yann upstairs and showed him a large bedchamber, dominated by a four-poster bed and smelling of oranges. They reminded Yann of hot summers and journeys with Têtu. Behind a screen at the far end was another door that led to a small antechamber, and there by the fire sat a bath filled with steaming hot water. What it was doing in the room Yann wasn’t sure until Vane started solemnly rolling up his sleeves and said that sir was to take a bath. Yann made for the door, but to no avail. Vane was doglike in his determination, with a wiry strength that took Yann by surprise. Finally, defeated by exhaustion and the lack of sleep, he resigned himself to drowning. Henry Laxton的侍从,Vane,跟了主人多年,会说法国话。他带着Yann上楼,给他安排了一个大卧室,里面有一个四脚床,散发着橘子的香气。这让Yann想起了炎热的夏天以及和Têtu的那次旅行。屏风后面是连接小接待室的另一扇门,可以坐在那里洗一个热水澡。Yann一开始并不确定那个房间是做什么的,直到Vane郑重地卷起衣袖,介绍说这是先生洗澡的房间。 Yann走到门前,但没有脱掉衣服。Vane就像狗一样机警,这让Yann大吃一惊。最后,由于精疲力竭和睡眠不足,Yann只好听天由命。 He was washed and scrubbed until the water was as filthy as the Seine and his skin tingled all over. Wrapped in a large housecoat, he sat in front of the fire while a barber set about cutting off his long black locks and vigorously rubbing a lotion into his scalp, for the express reason, so he said, of ridding Yann of fleas. Vane then set about dressing Yann as if he were a tailor's dummy. Finally, he tied a cravat around his neck and set a looking glass before him. If it hadn't been for the anger in his face Yann would have said he was staring at someone else. Vann took Yann down to the sitting room to present him to Mr. and Mrs. Laxton. "Well, look at you, sir," said Mr. Laxton in his perfect French. "To the manor born, I would say." Yann, not knowing what was expected of him, bowed stiffly. All this felt as if it were happening to someone else, that he was simply an actor upon the stage. 他擦洗着自己,洗澡水变得像是塞纳河水一样脏,皮肤因为用力有了刺痛感。Yann裹在宽大的长袍里,坐在炉火前,理发师剪断了他的黑色长锁,在头皮上涂上润肤露,这是为了快点儿去除Yann身上的的跳蚤。 Vane开始给Yann穿衣服,仿佛Yann只是一个模型。最后,他给Yann打了一个领带,绕在脖子上,并放了一个镜子在他面前。如果不是镜子里的人和他看起来一样愤怒的话, Yann会说他正盯着是别人而不是自己。 Vann把Yann到客厅去,让Laxton先生和夫人看看。 “哇,看看,先生,”拉克斯顿先生用他标准的法文说。“我想说,你一定出生在庄园里。” Yann不知道他们想做什么,僵硬地鞠了一躬。似乎所有这一切都发生在别人身上,而他只是舞台上的演员。 "You have met my niece, Sido de Villeduval, I gather," said Mrs. Laxton. Yann looked at her. Was he dreaming, or did she look like Sido? "Yes." "And was she well?" Was she well? He had to think what he was being asked. Finally he said, "She is unhappy." “我想,你见过我的侄女,Sido de Villeduval,”拉克斯顿夫人说。 Yann看着她,是他在做梦,她看起来像Sido吗? “是的。” “她还好吗?” 这是问Sido的身体好吗?他不得不考虑这个问题是什么意思。 最后他说:“她并不高兴。” After an awkward supper that seemed to go on and on, with many courses and unanswered questions, Mr. Laxton took him into his study. On hearing of Têtu's death, he told Yann that this was to be his new home. What he meant by this, Yann had no idea. The only family he had ever known was Têtu. Home couldn't be counted in candlesticks and cutlery, of that much he was sure. Home for him had been simple. Home was Têtu. That night he lay awake, finding the soft mattress worrying, the smell of oranges unsettling. Finally he got out of bed and fell asleep in front of the fire, like a cat. The days that followed were encompassed by ticking clocks and dull, meaningless routine. A tutor had been employed for Yann, a Mr. Rose. He was as thin as a sheet of paper left flattened and forgotten in a book, and had about him the smell of ried-up ink. Knowledge had been beaten into him and he saw no reason why it shouldn't be beaten into every other child. His philosophy of education was not one he had shared with Mr. Laxton. 接下来,他们吃了一顿气氛尴尬的晚饭,似乎还有许多课程和并没有解决的问题,Laxton先生把Yann带到他的书房。听到Têtu的死讯后,他告诉Yann,这里是他的新家。这到底意味着什么,Yann并不知道。他知道自己唯一的家人是Têtu。他肯定,家并不只是指烛台和餐具。家对他来说家就是Têtu,就这么简单。 那天晚上,他醒着躺在床上,却发现柔软的床垫却令人担忧,橘子的气味让人不安。最后他从床上爬起来,像一只猫一样在炉火前睡着了。 接下来的日子被滴答滴答的时钟和枯燥乏味的例行公事所包围。 Rose先生成为了Yann的家教。他像身上有墨水的味道,被遗忘在书中的一张纸那样单薄。Yann开始被灌输学习知识,Rose先生认为这是 理所当然的。而他的教育理念和Laxton先生并不一样。 One day Mr. Rose, in a fit of temper, threw a book at Yann, hitting him on the head. Yann got up and calmly took the cane from his terrified tutor, breaking it across his leg before delivering a knockout blow. Mr. Rose lay stretched out cold on the wooden floor, his nose bleeding profusely. Yann went down the stairs to Mr. Laxton's study and told him exactly what he had done and why. There was a general commotion, a doctor was called for, and Mr. Rose, regaining consciousness, demanded that the boy be brought before a magistrate. Then, seeing that Mr. Laxton was going to do nothing of the sort, he left, appalled, holding his handkerchief to his very sore nose. Immediately he went hurrying around to Lady Faulkner, whose son Jack had benefited greatly from his tutoring. For her part she had swiftly and delightedly passed on the news that the Laxtons, for want of a child, had taken in an alleycat. 一天,Rose先生发脾气了,他把一本书当场砸在Yann头上。Yann站起来,冷静地从他的家教手中夺过教鞭并对其打出了致命的一击。Rose先生直挺挺地躺在木地板上,鼻子在流血。 Yann走下楼梯,到Laxton先生的书房,告诉他,自己做了什么以及为什么这么做。于是发生了一场骚乱,人们叫来了一位医生,Rose先生恢复了知觉,要求要把这个男孩带到法官面前。随后,他知道了Laxton先生根本不会对此事作出任何协调,拿着自己的手帕捏着酸痛的鼻子胆战心惊地离开了。 他立刻跑到Faulkner夫人那里。夫人的儿子杰克正是在自己的培养下受益匪浅。Faulkner夫人笑了,看来,Laxton夫妇想要一个孩子,却带进家里了一只野猫。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】