

2017-09-27    04'49''

主播: 英伦好声音

1241 109

(下拉有中英对照文本) Monsieur Aulard looked crushed by the impact of the dwarf’s words. It was true he was a mouse of a man when it came to bravery; still, he was doing his best. “Take this and put it on,” said Têtu, pulling out a black cap from his jacket pocket. Timidly, as if it were a candle-snuffer, Monsieur Aulard put the cap on his head. “It doesn’t fit!” he complained. “Where has he gone? What’ve you done with him? He’s disappeared!” shouted Didier. “What a good trick!” Monsieur Aulard suddenly felt liberated from his worries. “This is wonderful, Têtu,” he said, putting his two very visible hands on either side of the dwarf’s face and kissing him loudly. Forgetting his fear of Citizen Kalliovski, he said with the excitement of a child, “I ’m going to find out if anyone else can see me. Wait here.” Aulard先生看上去被小矮人的话触动了。他就是胆小如鼠;尽管如此,他也尽力了。 “拿着,戴上,”Tetu说,从夹克口袋里掏出一顶黑帽子。 奥拉德胆怯地把帽子戴在头上,帽子就像一个烛台。“这不合适!”他抱怨着。 “他去哪里了?你对他做了什么?他消失不见了!“Didier喊道。“一个神奇的把戏!” Aulard先生不再焦虑了。 “Têtu,太好了,”他说,把两只能看见的手放在小矮人的脸上,亲吻他,发出了很大声音。他不再害怕公民Kalliovski,像孩子一样兴奋地说:“我要去看看其他人能不能看见我。在这儿等着。” “If you see your reflection, don’t worry. No one else will,” Didier called after him. They waited until he had gone. “I told everyone at the theater to pretend he was invisible if they saw him wearing the black cap,” said Didier seriously. Yann chuckled. “Yann, it’s not funny,” snapped Têtu. “I f this fails he’ll be a gibbering wreck and useless to us. I f it works, he might find the courage he needs.” “How did you get everybody to agree to it, Didier?” asked Yann. “Simple,” said Didier. “I told them they wouldn’t get paid if they let the cat out of the bag.” "Brilliant. Masterly,” said Têtu with a sudden laugh. “It works!” said Monsieur Aulard, rushing back into the room. “We could make our fortune with this.” "No,” said Têtu, bringing him down to earth with a bang. "If we manage to stay alive, that will be fortune enough.” “如果你看到自己的倒影,别担心。其他人看不见的,” Didier在他身后喊。 他们一直等到Aulard走了。 “我告诉剧院里的每个人,如果他们看到Aulard戴着黑色的帽子,就假装看不见他,” Didier严肃地说。 Yann咯咯地笑了。 “Yann,这一点也不好笑,” Têtu说。“如果这样还不行,他对我们就没用了。如果可行,他可能会找到自己需要的勇气。” “你是怎么让每个人都同意的,Didier?””Yann问道。 “很简单,” Didier说。“我告诉他们,如果他们露出马脚,就拿不到工资了。” “你太聪明了。” Têtu突然大笑起来。 “这是真的!” Aulard先生说,冲进了屋里。“我们可以用这个来发财。” “不,”Têtu说,砰的一声把他击倒在地上。“如果我们能活下去,就够幸运了。” Before he left that night for Kalliovski’s, Yann went down and stood in the center of the empty stage. He looked out over the shadowy shoreline of empty seats. It seemed to him there was no lonelier place to stand than here on the empty stage, the home of illusion with its haunting dread of failure. The magician calls out to the audience, “No bullet can harm me! I am invincible; I have drunk from the cup of everlasting life!” Yann knew then that he had come back to Paris to face the pistol, to catch the bullet. I f he survived, Sido too would be free. 那天晚上,去Kalliovski住所前,Yann走了下来,站在空荡荡的舞台中央。他透过空的座位,看着模糊的海岸线。觉得,没有比空荡荡的舞台更孤独的地方了。 魔术师向观众大喊:“子弹不能伤害到我!我是不可战胜的;我从永恒的生命之杯中喝得醉醺醺的!”然后,Yann知道他回到巴黎来,要直面手枪,要抓住子弹。如果他活下来了,Sido也会得到自由。 As he stood there he heard a voice he recognized from a long time ago. I t came from the stalls. He didn’t call out, or ask who was there; he knew enough now not to question what the spirit said. “There is nothing to fear except the power you give to your own demons.” Yann and Didier were watching as, on the dot of seven, Kalliovski’s beetle-black carriage pulled up outside the building. Two servants came out, supporting a woman between them, and lifted her into the carriage. The only hint that she was not human was that her feet never touched the ground. Shortly afterward, Kalliovski and his hound Balthazar climbed into the carriage, and it set off in the direction of the theater. Yann smiled to himself. The man had taken the bait. At the side entrance, Didier knocked three times. The door was opened and the beaming rosy face of Jeanne appeared. She stood on tiptoe and threw her arms around Didier’s neck, planting kisses on his face. Yann站在那里,听到了很久以前就认出来的一种声音。不是从货摊那边传来的。他没有叫,也没有问那是谁;他现在知道得够多了,不再去质疑圣灵说的话。 “除了你自己向恶魔屈服,没有什么可害怕的。” 7点,Yann和Didier看见Kalliovski的一辆黑色马车停在了大楼外面。两个仆人出来,扶着一个女人,把她抬到马车里。她的脚没有触到地面,暗示着她不是一个人。不久,Kalliovski和猎犬Balthazar上了马车,朝着剧院的方向出发了。 Yann笑了笑。这人上钩了。 Didier敲了侧门三下。门打开了,Jeanne喜气洋洋的红脸蛋出现了。她踮起脚尖,搂住Didier的脖子,吻了吻他的脸。 “What kept you, my old bear?” She stopped, seeing Yann. “Who’s this?” “He’s a friend. He has to deliver something to Citizen Kalliovski Didier leaned forward and kissed her. “You don’t mind if he goes up the back way, do you?” “His apartment’s one flight up,” whispered Jeanne, looking around anxiously. “Is there anyone else who might demand your attention this evening, apart from me?” asked Didier. She giggled, and he squeezed her tight. Yann left them to it and quickly moved up the stairs. The silence had a strange, eerie quality to it, as if the house had become detached from the rest of the world. “你怎么啦,我亲爱的?”她停下来,看见了Yann。“这是谁?” “一个朋友。他要给公民Kalliovski送些东西”,Didier弯下身子,亲了亲Jeanne。“你不介意他过去吧,是吗?” “去他的公寓只有一条路。” Jeanne环顾四周,小声地说。 “除了我以外,今晚还有谁能引起你的注意呢?”Didier问道。 她咯咯地笑着,他紧紧地捏了捏她。 Yann离开了他们,迅速爬上楼梯。沉默的环境为这里添加了一种奇怪而又可怕的气氛,仿佛这房子已经脱离了世界其他地方。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】