VOL.2 艾玛·沃森Emma Watson为你说书《我的生活在路上》(附中英)

VOL.2 艾玛·沃森Emma Watson为你说书《我的生活在路上》(附中英)

2017-10-13    07'29''

主播: 英伦好声音

9399 273

有妹子在后台留言,想要听女声的英英,有求必应的小编整理了认为比较纯正和适于模仿的女生英英送给大家~共有五期,五期过后继续《红项链》连载走起! --------------------------- (中文翻译来源网络 仅供参考学习) 大家好,我是艾玛沃尔森,在《美女与野兽》这部电影中我扮演贝尔。这不是我第一次来中国,不过这是我第一次来上海,这里真是太棒了。 First I wanna talk a little bit about theconnection between bell and I. we both books and we both love reading, that wassuch a lovely connection to half of my character. Em a year and a half ago,because I loved book so much, I decided to start a feminist book club called our shared shelf, which Ifound its home on Goodreads which is a website. why I love this so much when itis hosted is because there are lots of shreds of different conversation andtopics on each of the books. I love to read what people are saying and what’sso wonderful is that it is a real engagement and readership with people fromall over the world. And I love getting different cultures and perspectives onfeminism. 首先我想讲一讲贝尔和我。我们都非常爱书,爱阅读,这可以算作是把我和贝儿连接在一起的一大半线索。一年半以前,因为我实在是太喜欢读书了,我决定开展一个女性读书会,叫做“我们共有的书架”。我在Goodreads这个在线读书俱乐部上为它找到了一个家。我喜欢这个平台主要是因为,这里有太多太多思想的交融、不同的对话与主题,并且是关于不同的书籍。我渴望了解来自不同地方的人们都在说着什么,我热爱吸取来自不同文化的关于男女平等问题的视角。 So the book I most wanted to talk about was My life on the road by GloriaSteinem.which was the first book that I chose for my book club. And the reasonI want to choose this as a first book is that Gloria for me as a person is suchan icon of feminist movement. She is a journalist, she is an activist, she’s acampaigner and I think she is just a wonderful entry point for anyone who areinterested in feminism. She is a radical feminist, and I just think that thevoices she’s taken on lots of different issues like child marriage, femaleJohnson and all sorts of different issue I just think she always has aninteresting perspective. 我想介绍的一本书也是我给我的读书俱乐部挑选的第一本书《我的生活在路上》(My life on the road)。这本书的作者是葛罗莉亚·斯坦能(Gloria Steinem),她也是我关于男女平等运动的一位启明者。她是一位记者,是一位社会进步的提倡者,她是一名运动发起者, 她是一个极端男女平等问题者。我发现在很多问题上,不管是儿童婚姻,男女平等问题, 还是各种各样不同的话题。她总能提供一个非常有趣的视角。 That why I read that book. She wrote a lotof books but this one she wrote a lot about her anecdotes form her journey. Asbeen an activist, and one of my favorite part about this book is that when sherecords all different conversations with taxi drivers because, believe itor not. Gloria doesn’t know how to drive and she decided not to learn how todrive because she loves the integrations she had with strangers. On the way toairports, on the way to pick up shopping, because you know,she sees this to give her different insights into the world and showing herother perspectives. And I love the often very funny anecdotes she has about herinteractions. 这就是我阅读这本书的原因。她写了很多书,但我选中了这一本,因为这里有很多她旅行中的逸闻趣事。 我在这本书中最喜欢的一部分是,她记录了她与各种各样的出租车司机的对话。相信与否,Gloria不知道如何开车,并且,她下定决定永远不学习如何开车。因为她实在是喜欢她和陌生人产生的交集,在去机场的路上,在去取购物买到的东西的时候,因为,你知道,她把这一切交集都看作是她获得新的洞察力的入口,也是她像这个世界展示她的观点的窗口。我喜欢一个个书中有趣的奇闻逸事,那些她与陌生人的交集。 I also love her dedication that in thebeginning of her book she actually dedicates the book.to the doctor,the old man andabortion she decided to have when she was a young women. because she says thatwithout this abortion, she wouldn’t become the writer she is today, activistshe is today. I found it very moving and very brave. 我还非常喜爱她的勇气和毅力。在书中一开始,她提到那个医生,那个年长的男人,那个她决心要做的堕胎手术。她说,如果不是因为这次堕胎,她不会成为今天的这个作家,不会成为今天的这位思想者。我觉得这非常感人,非常勇敢。 Truly I love her boldness and her honesty thatshe uses to introduce that book. It is really remarkable. I love that she usedto talk a lot about her father in the book. She discusses that her relationshipwith him actually defining her understanding not just femininity butmasculinlity that actually male role models. Man interact with feminismempowerment is incredibly important. And I love that she does not leave him outof the picture or out of the conversation. So I think that is a lovely elementas well. 真的,我喜欢她用来介绍这本书的无畏和诚实。这非常值得纪念。我喜欢她习惯在书里聊很多关于她父亲的事情。她聊到。她与父亲的关系实际上为她男女平等问题的形成有不可忽视的作用。她不仅仅引发了更多的关于女性的思考,也有关于男性的。她的父亲是一个男性角色的原型。男女性力量的碰撞和交集是非常重要的,我非常欣赏她没有因为价值观的不同,就把她的父亲从对话中切断,或者置之不顾。这也是一个非常可爱的元素。 In terms of my life learning and inspirations as an actor. Gosh Ilove actors like Meryl Streep, CateBlanchett, Jane Fonda. Actually she has been an amazingmentor and role model for me recently. She was one of the three women with GloriaSteinem. And another woman called Robin Morgan who set up the first womenorganization or center. In America, I think her performance is very powerfultoo. So she is a good example to me of combining activism and acting. 至于生活中的灵感来源。天哪,我好爱一些演员们,比如梅丽尔·斯特里普,凯特·布兰切斯特,简·方达。事实上,她一直是一位出色的导师和启迪者,最近成为了我的角色原型。她是与Gloria一起的三位女性之一。另一位杰出的女性叫做罗宾·摩根,她建立了第一个女性机构或者说,女性中心。在美国,我想她的表演是非常有影响力的,她对我来说是一个绝佳的演员与激进运动者并存的人物范本。 As an UN Women Goodwill Ambassador I found Maya Angelou to beextremely inspiring and I love her poems and poetry. When having a day when youfeel overwhelmed of a struggle, the poems are like incredible resories andwells of strength. 作为一名联合国妇女亲善大使(UN Women Goodwil Ambassador),我发现玛雅·安吉罗非常具有启发性。我很喜欢她的诗歌。当你度过充满压力的一天,觉得有一些超负荷。她的诗歌就像是一个无法用语言表达的栖息地,里面有一口装满了能量的井。 And for the audience,it is very easy being a young female and a girl to be told a lotthat you are somehow lesser, less capable and whatever reasons. But what reallyfound helpful by me and what I found by playing bell is to know that. You areforced to be forced with reckoned with. And EleanorRoosevelt has an amazing quote I think here I wouldlike to recommend: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Ithink that especially important to remember as a young person, in general maleor female. To remember your power would be my piece of advice 对于观众们,我想说的是,作为一个年轻的女孩,我们非常容易被告知,我们缺乏一些东西,我们缺少一些能力,以及各种各样的理由。我发现对我真正有帮助的,来自安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福的一句话:“不经过你的同意,没有人可以让你自卑。”我觉得这对于一个年轻人来说,尤为重要,不管是对于男生还是女生。我的建议是,永远记得你所拥有的能量。