

2017-11-20    05'51''

主播: 英伦好声音

2945 179

(下拉有中英对照文本) The other two soldiers started to go through the room, pushing and shoving the customers. One of the groups at the next table, winking to his companions, held up a bag of coins and whispered something to one of the soldiers, who spat on the floor and slipped the purse into his pocket. “Another charitable contribution to the war fund!” he shouted out, lifting the man’s arm up high above his head. “Thought he could bribe his way out of being a traitor.” No doubt, thought Yann, this and everything else they gathered would be divided among the innkeeper, his wife, and the three soldiers. The same soldier made a great show of examining the men’s passports. “Look at this,” he guffawed. “Forgeries, every one of them.” He handed the passports to the officer. The travelers started to protest. The officer ignored them. “Take them,” he ordered. “They’ll enjoy a night trip to Paris.” More and more of the customers were dragged out. At last only the regulars and Yann and Sido were left. Now all eyes turned to watch the last bit of sport until more coaches arrived from Paris and the whole show began over again. “What have we got here?” said the officer, leering at Sido. “A pretty little aristo if ever I saw one.” "Excuse me, sir,” said Yann in broken French. 另外两名士兵开始穿过房间,推着顾客。邻桌的一群人向他的同伴们眨了眨眼,举起一袋硬币,向其中一名士兵低声说了些什么,士兵朝地板上啐了一口唾沫,把钱包塞进了口袋。 “另一笔慈善基金,为战争捐款!”他大声喊道,把那个人的胳膊高高举过头顶。“他认为可以通过行贿来摆脱叛徒的身份。” Yann认为,他们所拿到的东西,都会到客栈老板、他的妻子和三名士兵手中。 那名士兵又仔细地检查了男子的护照。 “看这个,”他笑着说。“伪造的,每一个人都是伪造的。”他把护照交给了军官。 顾客们开始抗议。士兵无视了他们的抗议。“带他们走,”他命令道。“他们将会到巴黎夜游一番。” 越来越多的顾客被拖了出来。 最后只剩下了士兵、Yann和Sido。 所有人都看着最后一辆马车,直到看到更多从巴黎来的马车,又开始检查。 “我们到这儿来干什么?”军官对Sido说。“我好像看见了一个漂亮的小贵族。” “对不起,先生。” "Where are your manners? This is my sister you are speaking to. We are English.” “English?” said the officer, snatching their passports. “You English? You’re too dark to be an Englishman.” He sniffed and wiped his nose. Yann could feel Sido shaking beside him and he put his arm firmly around her. “Pretty, pretty little bird, what have you to say about your brother?” Sido said nothing. “Here to learn French, eh? Bet you can speak it like a native.” The officer studied their papers again, holding them up to the light. He handed them back. “Well, you can go.” Yann felt Sido move but he held her fast, knowing that to do so would give the game away. “Go then! Don’t you understand any French?” bellowed the officer. It wasn’t until he had gestured toward the door that Yann and Sido walked out. The sight of all those wretched men and women rounded up, standing roped together on tumbrels, made Sido feel weak-kneed. She knew exactly where they were being taken. Back to the prisons and certain death. “你有没有礼貌?这是我妹妹,你在跟她说话。我们是英国人”。 “英国人吗?这名警官说,把他们的护照抢过来。“你是英国人?你太黑了,不可能是英国人。”他闻了闻味道,擦了擦鼻子。 Yann可以感觉到Sido在他身边发抖,他紧紧地搂着她。“漂亮,漂亮的小姑娘,你怎么看你哥哥?” Sido什么也没说。 “来这里学法语,是吗?我打赌你会说很流利的法语。” 警官再次看了看他们的证件,把证件举到灯前。又还给了他。“好吧,你可以走了。” Yann觉得Sido动了一下,他很快抓住了Sido,因为他知道这样做会让他们露馅的。 “走!你听不懂法语吗?”警官吼道。直到他走到门口,Yann和Sido走了出去。那些可怜的男人和女人的目光都聚集在一起,这让Sido有些腿软。她清楚地知道他们要被带到哪里。回到监狱、迎接死亡。 “Stop!” shouted the officer, coming to the door after them and spitting onto the ground. “What did you say your names were?” Yann carried on walking toward the carriage. “Hey, you lad,” shouted the officer. Yann turned and made a gesture with his hand as if to say: “Is it me you want?” The officer waved them away and relit his pipe. Ten out of ten stupid fools fall for that one, he thought, saying their names out loud and clear in French, titles and all. Either that young man was honest or he was one of the best actors he’d come across for a long time. “停下!”军官喊,走到门口,向地上吐了口唾沫。“你说你叫什么?” Yann继续向马车走去。 “嘿,小伙子,”军官喊道。Yann转过身,做了个手势,好像在说:“你想要这个吗?” 军官挥手让他们离开,并重新开始吸烟斗。他想,十成十的人都会受骗,用法语叫他们的名字,所有人都会回头。要么是这个年轻人说的是真的,要么这个年轻人就是他遇到最好的演员之一。 In the rocking motion of the carriage Sido fell fast asleep. Yann leaned back in the seat, lost in thought. He knew now what he was going to do. All those travelers tonight had needed help to escape. There must be better ways of getting people out of Paris than leaving them to the mercy of two-timing crooks like Mr. Tull and the innkeeper and his wife. The great hope of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, he thought sadly, that should have meant a better world for all, appeared to have been massacred by man’s own worst enemies: Stupidity, Greed, and Terror. Looking back over the day’s events he realized that every time he had worked the threads of light he had become stronger at it, the pain in his head a little more bearable. What was he going to be capable of with practice? There was still so much to learn, so much Têtu had to teach him and tell him. He looked down at Sido and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. 马车晃动着,Sido睡着了。Yann向后靠在座位上,陷入沉思。 他现在知道他要做什么了。他要帮助今晚所有人逃离这里。必须让人们有更好的办法离开巴黎,而不是让他们听信像Tull先生和他妻子这样两个骗子的摆布。他悲哀地认为,有自由、平等、博爱的伟大希望,,应该意味着有一个更美好的世界。但似乎正被人类自己的敌人所屠杀:因为愚蠢、贪婪和惊怖。 回顾这一天,他意识到每次控制光线的时候,自己就会变得更强壮,头上的疼痛也就能忍了。他该怎么运用这种力量呢?自己还要学很多东西,所以Têtu必须教会他,告诉他怎么用这种力量。他低头看着Sido,轻轻地拂过她脸上的一缕头发。 If things were different, if there were no Revolution, no war, no threads of light, if he were rich, would he go back to London with her and ask for her hand in marriage? He smiled, for the answer was simple. Yes, yes, he would. It was the times they lived in that complicated the matter. “One day I will make my fortune,” he said out loud to a silent carriage, “and then . . .” He stroked Sido’s cheek and bent down to kiss her, whispering what his heart had always known, what he had never said before to anyone. “I love you. I always will.” 如果事情有所不同,如果没有革命,没有战争,没有这种力量,如果他很有钱,他会和她一起回到伦敦,向她求婚吗?他笑了,因为答案很简单。是的,他会。 但他们所处的时代让这件事复杂化了。“有一天我会有钱的,”他大声地对一辆静静行驶的马车说,“然后……” 他抚摸着Sido的脸颊,弯下腰吻她,对她低声耳语自己的心事,他从未对任何人说过这些。“我爱你。我会一直爱你。” Sido didn’t stir. For the first time in days she had felt safe enough to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. She woke just as they were coming into Dieppe and sat up dazed for a moment, not knowing where she was; then, remembering, she smiled and straightened herself out. Yann handed her a flask and she took a drink. Then he took from his knapsack a small package of letters tied with ribbon, and the letter the marquis had written to Kalliovski. “What are these?” asked Sido. “They are for you to read when we get to Dieppe, and then you will understand, and realize that you were very much loved by your mother and your father.” Sido并没有惊醒。几天来,她第一次感到很安全,陷入了深深睡眠中,一夜无梦。醒过来时,他们正去往Dieppe,她呆呆地坐了一会儿,不知道自己身在何处;然后,她回忆起来了,微笑着,挺直了身子。 Yann递给她一个烧瓶,她喝了一杯。然后,从背包里取出一包缎带系着的信,以及侯爵写给Kalliovski的信。 “这些是什么?”Sido问。 “我们到了Dieppe,你再读这些信。然后你就会明白,并意识到你父亲母亲都很爱你。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】