

2017-12-22    05'47''

主播: 英伦好声音

619 44

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) He stood, his hands raised above him as if he were holding a giant cobweb. He was shaking his head to get free of the earphones. As she ran towards him he yelled at her to circle to the left, there were mine wires all over the place. She stopped. It was a walk she had taken numerous times with no sense of danger. She raised her skirt and moved forward, watching her feet as they entered the long grass. 他站在那里,高举双手,像是抓着一张巨大的蜘蛛网。他正晃着脑袋,想摔下耳机。见到她跑来,他大声叫她绕到左边去,这里到处都有地雷的金属线。她停下脚步。她曾多次走过这里,从来不知道有危险。她撩起裙子,向前走去,看着自己的双脚踏入高高的草丛中。 His hands were still up in the air as she came alongside him. He had been tricked, ending up holding two live wires he could not put down without the safety of a descant chord. He needed a third hand to negate one of them and he needed to go back once more to the fuze head. He passed the wires carefully to her and dropped his arms, getting blood back into them. 当她来到他的身边时,他的双手仍然高举在半空中。他上了当,拿着两条火线。没有另外一条安全线作为保障,他不能丢开。他需要第三只手来拿住其中一条火线,好再次研究引信头。他把金属线小心地交给她,然后垂下手臂,好让血液循环。 “I’ll take them back in a minute.” “It’s okay.” “Keep very still.” He opened up his satchel for the Geiger counter and magnet. He ran the dial up and along the wires she was holding. No swerve to negative. No clue. Nothing. He stepped backwards, wondering where the trick could be. “我马上就会接手。” “不要紧的。” “别动。” 他打开包包,拿出盖格计数器和磁铁。他旋动指针钮,测试她所持的金属线。没有偏向负极。没有线索。什么都没有。他退后几步,想找出其中的机关。 “Let me tape those to the tree, and you leave.” “No. I’ll hold it. They won’t reach the tree.” “No.” “Kip—I can hold them.” “We have an impasse. There’s a joke. I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t know how complete the trick is.” “让我把这些东西捆在树上,你走吧。” “不,我拿着吧。它们够不到树。” “不行。” “基普——我可以拿着它们。” “我们遇到麻烦了。简直是笑话,我不知道下一步该怎么办。我不知道这机关有多巧妙。” Leaving her, he ran back to where he had first sighted the wire. He raised it and followed it all the way this time, the Geiger counter alongside it. Then he was crouched about ten yards from her, thinking, now and then looking up, looking right through her, watching only the two tributaries of wire she held in her hands. I don’t know, he said out loud, slowly, I don’t know. I think I have to cut the wire in your left hand, you must leave. 他从她身边走开,跑到发现金属线的地方。他挑起它,这一次用盖格计数器一路沿着金属线测量。接着他在离她约有十码的地方蹲了下来,陷入沉思,不时抬起头来,朝她这个方向张望,眼睛只盯着她手持的两条导线。“我不知道,”他慢慢地大声说道,“我不知道。我想我必须割断你左手的金属线,你必须离开。” “You need another hand to cut it, don’t you?” “I can attach it to the tree.” “I’ll hold it.” He picked the wire like a thin adder from her left hand. Then the other. She didn’t move away. He said nothing more, he now had to think as clearly as he could, as if he were alone. She came up to him and took back one of the wires. He travelled the path of the bomb fuze again, alongside the mind that had choreographed this, touching all the key points, seeing the X ray of it “你需要另一只手割线,对吗?” “我可以把它系在树上。” “我拿着吧。” 他从她的左手拿起那条金属线,像是拿起了一条细小的蝮蛇,接着又拿起了另一条。她没有走开。他没有再说什么,他现在必须尽量考虑清楚,当作他是独自一人。她走向他,拿回了一条金属线。他再次巡视地雷引信的线路,同时转动脑筋,想象着他触摸了所有的关键位置,看穿了线路。 Stepping up to her, he cut the wire below her left fist before the theorem faded, the sound like something bitten through with a tooth. He saw the dark print of her dress along her shoulder, against her neck. The bomb was dead. He dropped the cutters and put his hand on her shoulder, needing to touch something human. She was saying something he couldn’t hear, and she reached forward and pulled the earphones off so silence invaded. Not letting go of her, he moved his hand down her arm and pulled the seven inches of wire out of her still tight grip. 他走向她,在灵感消失前,切断了左手握着的金属线,那种声音像是牙齿咬断东西。他看见了她衣服上肩部贴近脖子的深色印花。地雷的引信已被拆除了。他放下截断器,把手放在她的肩上,他需要触摸人体。她正在说话,但他听不见。她上前摘下他的耳机。他没有放开她,他的手顷着她的手臂移下去,从她仍然握紧的手中,扯出七寸长的金属线。 “Did you hear what I said?” “No. What was it?” “你听到我说的话吗?” “没有。你说了什么?” “I thought I was going to die. I wanted to die. And I thought if I was going to die I would die with you. Someone like you, young as I am, I saw so many dying near me in the last year. I didn’t feel scared. I certainly wasn’t brave just now. I thought to myself, We have this villa this grass, we should have lain down together, you in my arms, before we died. I wanted to touch that bone at your neck, collarbone, it’s like a small hard wing under your skin. I wanted to place my fingers against it. I’ve always liked flesh the colour of rivers and rocks or like the brown eye of a Susan, do you know what that flower is? “ 我以为我会死。我想死。如果我要死,我想要和你一起死。在这一年里,我看过许多像你这样的人,或是和我一样年轻的人在我身边死去。刚才我没有害怕,可我也不勇敢。我心想,我们有这别墅,有这绿草,我们应该一起躺着,我抱着你,然后一起死去。我想摸一摸你脖子上的那块骨头,锁骨,像是你的皮肤下面一个又小又硬的翅膀。我想用手指按住它。我总是喜欢颜色像河水和岩石的皮肤,或者像苏珊花的棕色眼睛,你知道那种花是什么吗? I am so tired, Kip, I want to sleep. I want to sleep under this tree, put my eye against your collarbone. What a careful mind! To know which wire to cut. How did you know? You kept saying I don’t know I don’t know, but you did. Right? Don’t shake, you have to be a still bed for me, let me curl up as if you were a good grandfather I could hug.” 我太累了,基普,我想睡觉。我想睡在这棵树下,我的眼睛抵住你的锁骨。你的心真细!知道该割断哪条线。你怎么知道的?你老是说我不知道,我不知道,但是你知道。对吗?别摇头,你必须成为一张平稳的床,让我睡觉。让我依偎着你,就仿佛你是一位慈祥的祖父,可以让我拥抱。 Her mouth was against his shirt. He lay with her on the ground as still as he had to, his eyes clear, looking up into a branch. He could hear her deep breath. When he had put his arm around her shoulder she was already asleep but had gripped it against herself. Glancing down he noticed she still had the wire, she must have picked it up again. 她的嘴贴着他的衬衫。他与她躺在地上,尽量避免移动。他那清澈的眼睛望着树枝。他可以听到她深沉的呼吸。当他用手搂住她的肩膀时,她虽然已经睡着了,却还紧紧抓住他的手臂。他低头注意到她仍拿着金属线,她一定是又捡起了它。 He was still annoyed the girl had stayed with him when he defused the bomb, as if by that she had made him owe her something. Making him feel in retrospect responsible for her, though there was no thought of that at the time. 他仍然对这女孩感到恼怒,在他拆除地雷引信时,她留在他的身边。仿佛让他欠了她什么。他突然感到应该对她负责,尽管当时没有这么想。 But he felt he was now within something, perhaps a painting he had seen somewhere in the last year. Some secure couple in a field. How many he had seen with their laziness of sleep, with no thought of work or the dangers of the world. 但是他感到现在像是陷人了什么之中,也许是去年在什么地方见到的一幅画。田野里一对闲适的人儿。他见过许多慵懒的人们,毫不在乎工作或者世界的险恶。 If he were a hero in a painting, he could claim a just sleep. But as even she had said, he was the brownness of a rock, the brownness of a muddy storm-fed river. And something in him made him step back from even the naive innocence of such a remark. The successful defusing of a bomb ended novels. Wise white fatherly men shook hands, were acknowledged, and limped away, having been coaxed out of solitude for this special occasion. But he was a professional. And he remained the foreigner, the Sikh. His only human and personal contact was this enemy who had made the bomb and departed brushing his tracks with a branch behind him. 如果他是画中的主人翁,他可以就这么睡着。但是正如她说的,他像岩石一样棕黑,像雨后混浊的河水一样棕黑。尽管这句话毫无恶意,他心中却有一种情感使他退怯。拆除地雷引信的成功已是过去的事了。睿智的白发老人们握握手,算是见了面,然后一瘸一拐走开。为了这特别的时刻,他们被轰着走出了孤寂的住所。但他是干这一行的。他仍然是外国人,锡克教徒。他只与这个敌人打交道,那人制造炸弹,并在走时用树叶扫去他的足迹。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】