At four in the afternoon they had lowered Kip into the pit in a harness until he was waist-deep in the muddy water, his body draped around the body of the Esau b0mb. The casing from fin to tip ten feet high, its nose sunk into the mud by his feet. Beneath the brown water his thighs braced the metal casing, much the way he had seen s0ldiers holding women in the corner of NAAFI dance floors.
The $appers had dug the pit around the Esau and set up the wood-shaft walls before he had
arrived on the site. In 1941, Esau b0mbs with a new Y fuze had started coming in; this was his second one.
It was decided during planning sessions that the only way around the new fuze was to immunize it. It was a huge b0mb in ostrich posture. He had come down barefoot and he was already sinking slowly, being caught within the clay, unable to get a firm hold down there in the cold water.
He laid his left cheek against the metal casing, trying to think himself into warmth, concentrating on the small touch of sun that reached down into the twenty-foot pit and fell on the back of his neck. What he embraced could expl0de at any moment. There was no magic or X ray that would tell anyone when some small capsule broke, when some wire would stop wavering.
What town was he in? He couldn’t even remember. He heard a voice and looked up. Hardy passed the equipment down in a satchel at the end of a rope, and it hung there while Kip began to insert the various clips and tools into the many pockets of his tunic.
He wiped the area of fuze head dry and began moulding a clay cup around it. Then he unstopped the jar and poured the liquid oxygen into the cup. He taped the cup securely onto the metal. Now he had to wait again.
There was so little space between him and the b0mb he could feel the change in temperature already. If he were on dry land he could walk away and be back in ten minutes. Now he had to stand there beside the b0mb. They were two suspicious creatures in an enclosed space.
Kip dipped cotton wool into the muddy water and touched it to the casing about twelve inches away from the fuze. It fell away, so it meant he had to wait longer. When the cotton wool stuck, it meant enough of the area around the fuze was frozen and he could go on. He poured more oxygen into the cup.
The growing circle of frost was a foot in radius now. A few more minutes. He had by now been in the shaft with the b0mb for more than an hour. He continued feeding in the liquid oxygen. At shoulder height, just to his right, was a hose pumping down normal air to prevent him from becoming giddy with oxygen. He tried the cotton wool again and this time it froze on. He had about twenty minutes. After that the battery temperature within the b0mb would rise again. But for now the fuze was iced up and he could begin to remove it.
“It’s a two-thousand-pound b0mb, sir. Esau.” Hardy’s voice from the top of the mud pit.
“Type-marked fifty, in a circle, B. Two fuze pockets, most likely. But we think the second one is probably not armed.
They had discussed all this with each other before, but things were being confirmed, remembered for the final time.
“Put me on a microphone now and get back.” Kip said.
“Okay, sir.”
Kip smiled. There was always hesitation by the soldiers to call him “sir,” but Hardy barked it out loud and enthusiastically. He was working fast now to prise out the fuze, all the batteries inert.
“Can you hear me? Whistle.... Okay, I heard it. A last topping up with oxygen. Will let it bubble for thirty seconds. Then
start. Freshen the frost. Okay, I’m going to remove the dam,... Okay, dam gone.”
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