中英配文 拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第三章 7

中英配文 拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第三章 7

2018-01-29    04'23''

主播: 英伦好声音

564 30

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) Hardy was listening to everything and recording it in case something went wrong. One spark and Kip would be in a shaft of flames. “I’m using the quilter key.” He had pulled it out of his breast pocket. He began to remove the locking ring. It moved easily and he told Hardy. 哈弟一边听着,一边记下一切,防止会出什么事。只要一个火星,基普就会被困在燃烧着大火的坑里。“我正在使用折弹锁。”他从上衣口袋里摸了出来。他必须把它搓热。他开始卸下锁定环。轻易就卸了下来,他告诉了哈弟。 He pulled off the locking ring and the locating ring and let them sink into the water. He could feel them roll slowly at his feet. It would all take another four minutes. 他取下了锁定环和固定环,随手把它扔到水里。他可以感觉到它们慢慢地滚到他的脚边。还需要四分钟。 Then to his horror the fuze head broke away, came off completely. “Wrong, Hardy. Whole fuze head snapped off. Talk back to me, okay? The main body of the fuze is jammed down there, I can’t get to it. There’s nothing exposed I can grip.” “Where is the frost at?” Hardy was right above him. It had been a few seconds but he had raced to the shaft. “Six more minutes of frost.” “Come up and we’ll blow it up.” “No, pass me down some more oxygen.” He raised his right hand and felt an icy canister being placed in it. 接着他吃了一惊——引信头脱落了。 “错了,哈弟。整个引信头都掉了。跟我说话好吗?引信的主体被挤了下来,我够不到它。没有任何部位露出来,我什么都抓不到。” “霜还能结多久?”哈弟过了几秒钟才说话,声音就在他的上头。他已经跑到坑口了。 “还有六分钟。” “上来,我们把它炸了。” “不,再给我一些液态氧。” 他举起右手,感觉到冰冷的罐子递到了他的手上。 “I’m going to dribble the muck onto the area of exposed fuze —where the head separated—then I’ll cut into the metal. Chip through till I can grip something. Get back now, I’ll talk it through.” “我这就把液态氧滴到暴露的引信区域,引信头就是在这里脱落的。然后我会割破弹壳,凿出一个洞来,直到我能抓住什么。现在你回去,让我来干吧。” He could hardly keep his fury back at what had happened. The muck, which was their name for oxygen, was going all over his clothes, hissing as it hit the water. He waited for the frost to appear and then began to shear metal off with a chisel. He poured more on, waited and chiselled deeper. When nothing came off he ripped free a bit of his shirt, placed it between the metal and the chisel, and then banged the chisel dangerously with a mallet, chipping off fragments. The cloth of his shirt his only safety against a spark. 出了这样的事,他忍不住想发火。他的衣服沾满了液态氧,液态氧碰到水以后嘶嘶作响。他等着结了霜,然后开始用凿子撬弹壳。他又倒了一些液态氧,等了一会儿,然后继续往里撬。什么也没有被撬下来。于是他脱掉上衣,把它放在弹壳和凿子之间,冒险用凿子的木槌使劲敲打,敲下了碎片。上衣是防范火星进发的惟一安全措施。 It took five more minutes. Then he saw something. He did not dare chip the hole any bigger. The contact of the circuit quivering like a silver tendril. If he could reach it. He breathed out, was still for a few seconds, and with the needle pliers cut the contact in two before he breathed in again. He gasped as the freeze burned part of his hand when he pulled it back out of the circuits. The b0mb was dead. 又花了五分钟,接着他看到了什么,他再也不敢凿大那个洞。他看到电路的接点像兰根银须一样抖动。如果他可以够到它就好了。他吸了一口气,呆了几秒钟。等钳口把接点绞成两段,他才又吸了一口气,气喘吁吁,一手扯出了电路。他的手冻得很疼。这枚zha弹的引信被拆除了。 “Fuze out. Gaine off. Kiss me.” Hardy was already rolling up the winch and Kip was trying to clip on the halter; he could hardly do it with the burn and the cold, all his muscles cold. He heard the pulley jerk and just held tight onto the leather straps still half attached around him. He began to feel his brown legs being pulled from the grip of the mud, removed like an ancient corpse out of a bog. His small feet rising out of the water. He emerged, lifted out of the pit into the sunlight, head and then torso. “引信拆除了,不会bao炸了。吻我吧。”哈弟已经卷起绞盘,基普正在夹紧绞索。由于疼痛和寒冷,他差点就失败了。所有的肌肉都冻僵了。他听到滑轮发出吱嗄声,于是抓紧仍然半系住自己的皮带。他感觉到他棕黑的双腿正从烂泥里拔出来,像是被狗从沼泽中拽出的一具尸体。他的一双小腿抬出了水面。他从坑里钻了出来,进入阳光之中,先是脑袋,然后是身子。 He hung there, a slow swivel under the tepee of poles that held the pulley. Hardy was now embracing him and unbuckling him simultaneously, letting him free. Suddenly he saw there was a large crowd watching from about twenty yards away, too close, far too close, for safety; 他吊在那里,在固定滑轮的支架下转动。哈弟抱住他,同时解开他身上的束缚。他突然看到一大群人约在二十码开外旁观,就安全观点而言,离得实在太近了。 They watched him silently, the Indian, hanging onto Hardy’s shoulder, scarcely able to walk back to the jeep with all the equipment—tools and canisters and blankets and the recording instruments still wheeling around, listening to the nothingness down in the shaft. 他们默默地望着他,望着他这个印度人。他搭着哈弟的肩,疲惫得几乎无法带着工具走回吉普车。他的身上仍然挂着工具、液态氧的罐子、毛毯和还在转动的录音设备。他们听到坑里什么声音都没有。 “I can’t walk.” “Only to the jeep. A few yards more, sir. I’ll pick up the rest.” “我不走了。” “再走几步就到了,长官。别的东西我来拿。” They kept pausing, then walking on slowly. They had to go past the staring faces who were watching the slight brown man, shoeless, in the wet tunic, watching the drawn face that didn’t recognize or acknowledge anything, any of them. All of them silent. Just stepping back to give him and Hardy room. At the jeep he started shaking. His eyes couldn’t stand the glare off the windshield. Hardy had to lift him, in stages, into the passenger seat. 他们走走停停,慢步前进。他们必须经过那些瞪大眼睛的脸孔,那些人一直望着这个肤色略显黝黑、赤着双脚、穿着湿衣服的人,望着那张茫然不识一物的长脸。他们全都默不作声,只是后退几步,让他和哈弟走过。到了吉普车跟前,他开始发抖。他的眼睛受不住来自挡风玻璃外的目光。哈弟必须把他抱起来,从容地放到客座上。 When Hardy left, Kip slowly pulled off his wet trousers and wrapped himself in the blanket. Then he sat there. Too cold and tired even to unscrew the Thermos of hot tea on the seat beside him. He thought: I wasn’t even frightened down there. I was just angry—with my mistake, or the possibility that there was a joker. An animal reacting just to protect myself. Only Hardy, he realized, keeps me human now. 等哈弟走了,基普慢慢脱下湿衣服,并把自己裹在毛毯里。随后他就坐在那里。太冷了,太累了,他甚至没有力气打开装了热茶的保温瓶,保温瓶就放在旁边的座椅上。他想:我当时甚至没有感到害怕,我只是生气——我犯了错误,那也许是个新玩意。我只是一头为了保护自己而有所反应的动物。 他明白了——现在只有哈弟让我保持着人性。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】