【超级口语十分钟|Jobs 工作】

【超级口语十分钟|Jobs 工作】

2018-11-16    06'43''

主播: 超级学长

168 1

一份工作的好与不好,在于衡量的标准是什么,获得的金钱,或是获得快乐,或者找到贴合自己兴趣点。那么我们对于工作又是拿什么来衡量的,来听听超学上海中心的Lije老师如何解答的~~ 问题:How would you define a “good job”? I think different people would havedifferent answers for that, since there are many elements that people wouldwant out of their jobs. As for me, I’d say that having a light work load isdefinitely the most important element, because I am a rather lazy person to behonest, and I don’t like jobs that require me to constantly work overtime.Another crucial element is of course the salary. Since I’m the bread winner ofmy family, I obviously have to worry about earning enough cash to feed thefamily, or else me, my wife, and my dog would be living under a bridge with abroken bowl. Aside from those two most essential things, I would look for otherbenefits, such as having good work environment with friendly co-workers orhaving lots of vacations. Some people might also consider sparking interest tobe the center piece of deciding whether or not a job is good. But in reality,it’s really difficult to find a good job that meets all of thoserequirements. So yeah. It’s nearlyimpossible to find a “good job” per se. 高分表达: to be honest 老实说 crucial element 重要的元素 Center piece 重要的元素(中心模块?) earning enough cash 赚足够的钱(cash可以替换money) constantly 一直,总是(可以替换always) bread winner 家庭的顶梁柱(因为给家里人赢得面包,食物) per se 从本质上讲 【超级口语十分钟】由超级学长上海校区的Lije老师倾情呈现!每周二、四、六上线,关注超级学长,及时获取更新哦! 作为英语母语的使用者,Lije老师用地道的发音和精炼的内容,带你探讨高频口语话题!