【超级口语十分钟| Competition 竞争】

【超级口语十分钟| Competition 竞争】

2019-03-21    08'39''

主播: 超级学长

143 2

问题:What kind of jobs or work should not involve competition? I would say that any job related to people’s lives or public safety should not involve competition. And the reason is pretty self-evident. Normally, competition helps increase productivity at workplace because it provides workers with an incentive to get the job done and discourage them from slacking off. But competition in itself is a mild form of distraction, as workers may become more focused on beating each other rather than performing the tasks at hand. And this distraction might lead to severe consequences in a situation where there are lives on the line. For example, firefighters obviously can’t have a rescue competition when there are people trapped in a burning building. Instead, they need to cooperate with one another and put out the fire. So in these kind of cases, there should not be any competition at all. 重点词汇: self-evident adj. 显而易见的 (替换obvious,clear等) productivity n. 生产力 (来自于produce,productive) incentive n. 动力、动机 (motivation的替换) discourage v. 劝阻、阻止 (encourage的反义词) mild adj. 轻微的、轻度的 (替换light) beat v. 打败、战胜 (比win against更加地道) rescue n. 营救行动 (名词和动词形式皆有,替换save) 高分表达: public safety 公共安全 (法律和犯罪类神器) get the job done 把事情搞定 (这里的job指“活儿”,非工作) slack off 懈怠、偷懒 (指不好好干活) on the line 有风险、危险 (表示有可能失去某事物) put out 灭(火) (灭火的固定搭配,“扑灭”) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,什么样的工作不应该有竞争? 关注超级学长,获取更多雅思口语资源!