

2016-07-12    00'45''

主播: 布莱恩教育

1019 87

【泛听指南】 今天的选段语速加快很多,同时,有一句话,文本中并未显示,如果你听出来了,就快快在评论下方留言吧! 【难度】❤❤❤ Norton: The budget's stretched thin as it is. 诺顿:预算太少了。 Andy: I see. Maybe I could write the state senate and request funds from them. 安迪:我了解,或许我可以写信跟州议会提出。 Norton: They have only three ways to spend the taxpayers' money for prisons: More walls, more bars, more guards. 诺顿:监狱领到款只能做三种用途:筑高墙、加牢笼和添警卫。 Andy: I'd like to try, with permission. A letter a week.They can't ignore me forever. 安迪:我仍请你批准,一周一信,总会有结果。 Norton: Sure can. But you write your letters if it makes you happy. I'll even mail them for you. ——————? 诺顿:难说哦,想写就写吧,我一定寄出,行吗? Red: So Andy started writing a letter a week...... just like he said. And like Norton said...... Andy got no answers. 瑞德:就这样,安迪开始每周写一封信。他说话算数,不过,就像诺顿所说,毫无回音。 【答案揭晓】 How's that? (行吗?)聪明的你,听出来了吗?再次戴上耳机检查一下吧! 【特别鸣谢】 汪修权 Sparkle 提供音频及文本; 丁慧影 Cherish 校稿及上传。