

2020-10-26    15'41''

主播: Pei你慢成长

270 6

《小的坏习惯会导致终生遗憾》 内容简介: 你是否曾因害怕被评判而停止表达?或因别人的期望做不想做的事? 90%的人会为他们生命中重要的事后悔,而多数后悔的根源都来自于日常生活中微不足道的选择。 我们选择花大量时间在社交媒体上,以及选择不停地买那些自己不需要的东西。 Have you ever wanted to say something, but you didn't, because you were afraid of being judged or getting rejected? 你是否曾经想说什么,但是你没有,因为你害怕被评判或被拒绝? Have you ever done something that you didn't want to, only because of others' expectations? 你是否曾经因为别人的期望而做了一些你不想做的事情? Have you ever missed out on being with your family and friends, because you were working far too many hours? 你有没有错过和家人朋友在一起的机会,只因为自己工作的时间太长? Nine out of ten people regert something big in their lives. 百分之九十的人会为他们生命中重要的事情后悔。 Many of these regrets are caused by our own small daily choices, and when we make these choices on a regular basis, they turn into regret-causing bad habits. 有许多后悔根源于我们日常微不足道的选择,当我们日常做出这些选择时,它们就变成了导致后悔的坏习惯。