

2021-01-13    05'11''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / CPI remains stable  2020年CPI同比上涨2.5% China's consumer price index grew by 2.5% in 2020 from the previous year, staying within the government's annual target of around 3.5%, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Monday. The annual figure was down from 2.9% in 2019 but up from 2.1% in 2018. In December, CPI rose 0.2% year-on-year, up from a 0.5% decrease in November.  国家统计局1月11日发布数据,2020年全年,全国居民消费价格(CPI)比上年上涨2.5%,"居民消费价格涨幅3.5%左右"的物价调控目标较好实现。这一数字较2019年的2.9%有所下降,但高于2018年的2.1%。2020年12月份,CPI同比上涨0.2%,11月为同比下降0.5%。  Growing consumer demand, rising costs and special weather conditions were the main factors that pushed the CPI back into positive territory, said Dong Lijuan, a senior statistician at NBS. Food prices increased 1.2% year-on-year last month, reversing a 2% decline in November and contributing approximately 0.26 percentage points to the CPI increase, Dong said.  国家统计局高级统计师董莉娟分析,2020年12月份,居民消费需求持续增长,同时受特殊天气以及成本上升影响,CPI由降转涨。其中,食品价格由上月下降2%转为上涨1.2%,影响CPI上涨约0.26个百分点。 Prices of both fruits and vegetables climbed 6.5% year-on-year in December, while beef and mutton costs rose 4.6% from a year earlier. Non-food prices remained flat in December, up from a 0.1% decrease in November. The core CPI, which excludes food and energy, increased 0.4% year-on-year in December, down from a 0.5% increase in November. 鲜菜和鲜果价格均上涨6.5%,牛肉和羊肉价格均上涨4.6%。非食品价格由上月下降0.1%转为持平。扣除食品和能源价格的核心CPI同比上涨0.4%,涨幅比上月回落0.1个百分点。 重点词汇 1. territory 英 /ˈterətri/  美 /ˈterətɔːri/  n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图 2/ Stipulations for holiday 全国多地倡议就地过年 While employees are being persuaded to stay where they work during the Spring Festival holiday, which falls in mid-February this year, many places have released rules for homecomings. Deputy head of the National Health Commission Zeng Yixin called on people to stay where they live and work during the holiday to reduce personnel flow.  今年春节假期将在2月中旬到来,多地鼓励员工就地过年,许多地方还发布了返乡规定。国家卫生健康委员会副主任曾益新1月9日在新闻发布会上呼吁人们在工作地过年,尽可能减少人员流动。  2020年10月7日,乘客在石家庄火车站排队进站。(图片来源:新华网) The approaching Spring Festival holiday will see more returnees from overseas, gatherings, and imports of cold-chain food and cargo, which will bring more challenges to epidemic prevention and control efforts, Zeng said at a press conference on Saturday. Wuhan, Hubei province, said on Saturday that in order to return to the city, one needs to be from a low-risk region and offer a negative nucleic acid test result from within the previous seven days.  他指出,春节即将到来,境外回国人员增多,聚集性活动增多,进口冷链食品和货物的流量增大,疫情防控形势依然严峻复杂。1月9日,湖北省武汉市发布通知称,即日起全国低风险地区返汉过春节的人员,全部要持7天内核酸检测阴性证明。 重点词汇 1. homecoming 英 /ˈhəʊmkʌmɪŋ/  美 /ˈhoʊmkʌmɪŋ/  n. 归国;同学会;省亲回家 2. returnee 英 /rɪˌtɜːˈniː/  美 /rɪˌtɜːrˈniː/  n. 海归;回国军人;回校重读的学生 3/ Tax, fee cuts top 2.5t yuan 2020减税降费2.5万亿元 China cut more than 2.5 trillion yuan in taxes and fees in 2020, achieving the annual target set by top-level policymakers and easing burdens on market entities after the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, said the nation's tax authority.  1月8日全国税务工作会议在北京举行,国家税务总局表示,2020年,我国全年新增减税降费超过2.5万亿元,实现了高层政策制定者设定的年度目标,在新冠疫情暴发后为市场主体减轻了负担。  Last year the State Taxation Administration approved 29.2 billion yuan in deferred tax payments for 3.99 million taxpayers, a financial relief measure to mitigate the shocks of COVID-19, the administration reported after its annual meeting held in Beijing on Jan 8. The full-year tax income, which excludes the export tax rebate, reached 13.68 trillion yuan, down 2.6% from a year earlier. The income of social security fees was 3.81 trillion yuan, and the non-tax income was 631.6 billion yuan, according to data from STA.  国家税务总局称,作为缓解疫情冲击的财政纾困举措之一,去年共为399万户纳税人办理延期缴纳税款292亿元。2020年税务部门组织税收收入(已扣除出口退税)13.68万亿元,同比下降2.6%,组织社保费收入3.81万亿元,非税收入6316亿元。 Wang Jun, head of the State Taxation Administration, said at the meeting that in 2021, STA will further consolidate and expand the effectiveness of tax and fee reduction policies and promote the modern tax system to facilitate high-quality development. 国家税务总局局长王军在会上表示,2021年将进一步巩固拓展减税降费成效,促进完善现代税收制度,助力高质量发展。 重点词汇 1. entities 英 /ˈentitiz/  美 /ˈentətiz/  n. 实体;存在(entity的复数形式) 2. mitigate 英 /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/  美 /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/  vt. 使缓和,使减轻 vi. 减轻,缓和下来 3. consolidate 英 /kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/  美 /kənˈsɑːlɪdeɪt/  vt. 巩固,使固定;联合 vi. 巩固,加强 4/ Twitter halts Trump's account 特朗普推特账号遭封禁 Twitter said on Friday that it has permanently removed the personal account of US President Donald Trump for possible "further incitement of violence." "After close review of recent tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them, we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence," the company said in a statement.  推特1月8日发布声明称,已永久停用美国总统特朗普个人账号,以避免其"进一步煽动暴力"。声明称,已对近期@realDonaldTrump账号的推文及相关情况仔细审查,鉴于该账号存在进一步煽动暴力行为的风险,推特决定永久封禁该账号。  After Twitter suspended Trump's account, four tweets were published from the official presidential account @POTUS on Friday evening: "Twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech," and that it was looking forward to "the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future." Twitter swiftly deleted the tweets soon after they were posted. 在推特永久封禁特朗普个人账号后,美国总统的官方推特账号@POTUS于当日晚间发布四条推文回应,称"推特公司在打压****这条道路上已走得越来越远",并考虑"在不久的将来建立我们自己的(社交)平台的可能性"。这些推文一经发布立刻遭到推特删除。 重点词汇 1. suspend 英 /səˈspend/  美 /səˈspend/  vt. 延缓,推迟;使暂停;使悬浮 vi. 悬浮;禁赛 2. build out 增建