1. The symbol of Pisces is double fish, but we'd better say it's Pisces. 双鱼座的符号是两条鱼,但是我们最好还是说Pisces. People who are born approximately between the 19th of February and the 20th of March come under the sign of Pisces.
2. Ok. So why we've got two fish here, and who are they? It's our story today.
我们讲今天的故事之前呢,先一起来回顾一下魔羯座capricorn的故事。他是我们的牧神Pan, 有次被Zeus邀请到众神宴席上吹奏牧笛。
这一天,美神Aphrodite也带着儿子Eros去参加宴会,我们的pan演奏得特别卖力,美妙的笛声引来了大怪物Typhon ['taifɔn],宴席一片混乱。小Eros与母亲走散了,Aphrodite四处寻找儿子。后来,她在桌下发现了瑟瑟发抖的Eros,于是便用一根丝带,一头拴住儿子的脚,一头绑在自己脚上,与儿子化身成两条鱼,逃离了宴席。
3. 故事中的大怪物Typhon后来成为英文中的typhoon [tai'fu:n]他刮来的这阵狂风,就是台风,typhoon。
4. I'd like to introduce my favorite poem from Robert Burns here, A Red Red Rose.
O my luve is like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June;
O my luve is like the melodie
That's sweetly played in tune.
如管弦,是诗中的melody,旋律。麦乐迪,melody. 诗人用sweet来形容melody.甜美悠扬的旋律拨弄着心弦,让人如痴如醉。sweet melody.
今天的背景音乐就改编自本首诗,my love is like a red red rose.
5. rose如此浪漫,所以不难看出,双鱼座的人也柔情似水gentle and soft,浪漫多情romantic,会有许多梦幻般的想法they are dreamers,只是有时显得不切实际unrealistic。realistic现实的,类似于practical,否定前缀un, unrealistic不切实际的,when people are too romantic, they are very likely to be unrealistic.
Like fish, pisces pay much attention to their soul, or we say inner heart.人们常说,鱼有灵性。而双鱼座也如水中鱼一样灵动,他们很关注自己的内心世界。
6. 说到鱼啊,有句话是 Air is to us what water is to fish. 大家在这儿可以学习这个句型,A is to B what C is to D. A对于B来说正如C对于D。我们离不开空气,正如鱼离不开水。我们的生活中也离不开英语,正如优才英语秀每天陪伴你。Today we've learned Pisces, and the next week will be Aries白羊座。I'm shelly, this is 优才英语秀。