Part3 Is it expensive to eat out in China?(小食:正餐:快餐)
2019-05-14 0评论
Part2 Describe a perfect job you want to have in future(校园工作:简单:寒暑假)
2019-05-14 0评论
Part3 Should parents make important decisions for children?(家长阅历:孩子偏执)
2019-05-14 0评论
Part3 Will computers change the way people make decisions?(互联网:积极:消极影响)
2019-05-14 0评论
Part2 Describe a difficult decision you made(出国:从心=怂:家人支持)
2019-05-14 0评论
2019-05-13 0评论
Part3 Do we need big parks or small ones in the city?(人们需求:城市建设)
2019-05-13 0评论
Part3 Do Chinese people like to travel abroad?(学生党:退休党:新生活)
2019-05-13 0评论
Part2 Describe your favorite part in the city(奥运村公园:安逸:脱离城市)
2019-05-13 0评论
Part2 Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person.
2019-05-12 0评论