Part3 Should children be taught to help others?(学校:家庭)
2019-05-12 0评论
Part3 Do people like to travel to popular places or less-known ones?.
2019-05-12 0评论
Part3 These days people are less likely to help others,why?(压力:碰瓷)
2019-05-12 0评论
Part2 Describe a situation when you helped someone(homeless:something warm)
2019-05-12 0评论
Part2 Describe a time you solved a problem through the internet
2019-05-11 0评论
Part3 Do you like to have many friends?(男性:女性:我自己)
2019-05-11 0评论
Part3 Is it expensive to eat out in China?(小食:正餐:快餐)
2019-05-11 0评论
Part3 How do people make friends in China?(饭局:手机:论坛)
2019-05-11 0评论
Part2 Describe one of your best friends(勿以善小而不为:崇拜)
2019-05-11 0评论
Part3 What's the difference between Chinese and western food?(味精MSG)
2019-05-10 0评论