Part2 Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when were growing up
2019-04-30 0评论
Part3 Are expensive buildings a waste of money?
2019-04-30 0评论
Part3 How should people behave in public places?
2019-04-30 0评论
Part2 Describe a perfect job you want to have in the future(国际导游:时差)
2019-04-30 0评论
Part3 Where do Chinese people buy clothes?(人群:产品)
2019-04-30 0评论
Part3 What relaxation techniques do you usually use?(重要事情讲三遍:关手机)
2019-04-29 0评论
Part2 Describe a piece of clothes that given by someone(基情:初次面试:正装).
2019-04-29 0评论
2019-04-29 0评论
Part3 Do you think students need to wear school uniforms?
2019-04-29 0评论
Part3 What kind of lifestyle is suitable to people in modern society?(淡泊名利)
2019-04-29 0评论