

2023-06-19    06'01''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】-- Well, that’s how she learns new words, by us using them. -- Or, that’s how we lower her self-esteem, by bombarding her with confusing vocabulary. 【ModernFamilyS3E13】 【发音】/wel/ /ðæts/ /haʊ/ /ʃiː/ /lɜː(r)nz/ /njuː/ /nuː/ /wɜː(r)dz/ /baɪ/ /ʌs/ /ˈjuːzɪŋ/ /ðəm/ /ɔː(r)/ /ðæts/ /haʊ/ /wiː/ /ˈləʊ.ə(r)/ /hɜː(r)/ /ˌself.ɪˈstiːm/ /baɪ/ /bɒmˈbɑːdɪŋ/ /bɑːmˈbɑː(r)dɪŋ/ /hɜː(r)/ /wɪð/ /kənˈfjuː.zɪŋ/ /vəˈkæb.jʊ.lər.i/ 【发音技巧】暂无; 【翻译】-- 可是,我们就是得用,这样才能让她学会新单词。 -- 但也有可能,我们用这些困难的词汇会打击她的自尊心。 【适用场合】 今天我们学习的短语叫做:bombard sb. with sth. 字面的意思是“用某物轰炸某个人”; literally, to attack one repeatedly, as with gunfire or explosives eg: The enemy army retreated after we bombarded them with grenades. 在我们向敌方投掷了手榴弹之后,他们撤退了。 eg: Protesters bombarded the building with ink, paint, and bottles. 抗议者用墨水、油漆和瓶子轰炸那座大楼。 这个短语的引申意味是:“用过量的信息轰炸某个人,让某个人承受不了;用过多的问题轰炸某个人,让某个人招架不住”; eg: Don't bombard your brother with suggestions—his paper is due tomorrow, so he needs to commit to a topic and just write about it! 别铺天盖地给你弟弟那么多建议了,他论文明天就到期了,他赶紧选一个选题开始写才是正事儿! eg: Every time I come home for the holidays, my mom bombards me with questions about my personal life. 每次我回家度假,我妈妈总是用各种我私生活的问题轰炸我。 eg: She bombarded him with faxes and called his office repeatedly. 她用传真轰炸他,并反复给他的办公室打电话。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The boys bombarded their friends with snowballs.