

2024-02-08    06'15''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

261 1

【句子】Sweeties, for the hundredth time, I gave it back to you, remember? 【Modern Family S3E16】 【发音】/ˈswiː.tiz/ /fɔː(r)/ /ðə/ /ˈhʌn.drətθ/ /taɪm/ /aɪ/ /geɪv/ /ɪt/ /bæk/ /tʊ/ /juː/ /rɪˈmem.bə(r)/ 【发音技巧】Sweeties闪音;gave it back连读+失去爆破;back to失去爆破; 【翻译】亲爱的,跟你说过一百遍了,我还给你了,记得吗? 【适用场合】 今天视频中,我们来学习这样一个表达,for the hundredth time, 字面意思是:“第一百次”;结合这里的上下文,其实就可以理解成“说了一百次了;说了一百遍了”; 其实中文中确实也会这么表达,带有一种不耐烦的语气。 我们来看看这个短语对应的英文解释: An expression of frustration, usually when one has already done something many times before and is irritated to have to do it again. “通常是因为某个事情之前已经做过很多次了,现在又要不得不做一次,心里感觉很厌烦、有挫败感”; eg: For the hundredth time, no, we are not stopping for ice cream! 说了一百次了,不行,我们不会停下来去买冰激凌的! eg: Tom came over and checked on our progress for the hundredth time today. I know he's anxious to finish the project, but I wish he would lay off a bit! 汤姆今天都过来检查项目进度差不多一百次了。我知道他焦虑,想早点完成项目,但是我真希望他能别来烦我们。 eg: For the hundredth time, stop hitting your sister. 跟你说了一百遍了,不要打你妹妹。 eg: Paul, for the hundredth time, I have a date this evening. 保罗,说一百遍了,我今晚有约。 那英文中有没有,“跟你说了一千遍”呢? 当然也有,你可以说for the thousandth time,是不是很简单。 eg: For the thousandth time, I do not need glasses. 说了一千遍了,我不需要眼镜。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 For the hundredth time, just take a look at my research report.