

2020-08-31    06'41''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3240 19

【句子】-- I called the police, and they were totally unhelpful. -- Surprise. Surprise. 【Modern Family-S2E11】 【发音】[aɪ] [kɔ:ld]/[kɑ:ld] [ðə] [pəˈli:s] [ænd] [ðeɪ] [wɜ:(r)] [ˈtəʊ.təli] [ʌnˈhelp.fəl] [səˈpraɪz] [səˈpraɪz] 【发音技巧】called the 不完全失去爆破;and they不完全失去爆破;unhelpful不完全失去爆破; 【翻译】-- 我老早就报过警了,可是他们什么忙都没帮上。 -- 早跟你说了吧! 【适用场合】 Surprise. Surprise. 大家都认识surprise,知道它表示惊讶,惊喜, 但是在这里出现,有一种讽刺的语气,表示:“一点都不惊讶,我就跟你说吧!我早跟你讲了吧!” It is said ironically in a situation in which something very predictable has happened. 在口语中其实我们也经常说 I told you so. eg: "I somehow managed to break yet another phone!" "Surprise, surprise! How many does that make it this year?" -- “我又摔坏一部手机。” -- “一点不稀奇,这是你今年摔坏的第几部了?” eg: -- There’s nothing worth watching on TV tonight. -- Surprise, surprise. (= there is usually nothing worth watching). -- 今晚的电视没什么可看的节目。 -- 恩,我猜也是。 jump in 1. 跳进……里 Literally, to leap into something, such as water. eg: The water feels great! Come on and jump in! 这水感觉不错!快来啊,快跳进来! 2. 充满热情地迅速投身于……; to begin or undertake something quickly, enthusiastically eg: I know you're nervous about starting school, but you just need to jump in and do your best! 我知道开学这事儿你很紧张,但是你只需要迅速进入学习状态,尽你最大努力就可以了。 eg: Instead of sitting around and talking about it, let's just jump in and start putting this thing together. 与其浪费时间谈论这件事,还不如直接开始做。 3. 突然打断某个人,插话(尤其是在别人没请你发言的时候) to interrupt someone or join a conversation suddenly, especially with an uninvited opinion eg: I wanted to finish the meeting quickly, but people kept jumping in. 我本来想快点结束这次会议,但是总有人插话打断。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 -- Brian和他女朋友最终还是分手了。 -- 早就跟你说吧。一点不稀奇。