

2024-06-01    03'59''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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声音、文稿、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix 原创节目,未经许可,请勿转载 In each of our childhood years, happiness seemed to be an innate instinct, coming naturally without any need for technique. As children, we appeared to find joy in the most ordinary things — a butterfly dancing in the air, a playful splash in a puddle, or a game of hide-and-seek. Back then, our minds were undistracted, unbothered by worldly affairs, and laughter flowed as water from a spring. 在我们每个人的童年时光里,快乐就像是与生俱来的本能,自然而然,不需要任何技巧。作为孩子,我们似乎能在最平凡的事物中找到欢乐 —— 一只翩翩起舞的彩蝶,水坑中的一次嬉戏,或是一场捉迷藏游戏。那时的我们心无旁骛,不为世事所扰,笑声如清泉般自然涌出。 Yet, as we grow older, we gradually feel the rush and pressure of this world. Streets are bustling, traffic flows endlessly, and people always seem to be in a hurry, chasing their individual goals, their faces often marked with worry or fatigue. In this whirlpool of complex responsibilities and expectations, happiness seems to have become a skill that requires deliberate practice. In a process where everyone appears to be striving for achievements, wealth, and recognition, we must learn to actively seek and create happiness amidst life's heavy burdens. 可是,随着年岁增长,我们逐渐感受到这个世界的匆忙和压力。街头巷尾,车水马龙,人们总是行色匆匆,奔波于各自的目标,脸上常挂着忧虑或疲惫。在这纷繁的责任和期望的漩涡中,快乐似乎成了一门需要刻意修炼的技艺。在每个人似乎都在为成就、财富、认可奔波的过程里,我们必须要学会在生活的重担中主动寻找和创造快乐。 Maintaining a childlike spirit doesn't mean evading adult responsibilities; instead, it's about facing people and situations with a composed mindset. Embracing our inner child means rediscovering the essence of play. We learn to find surprises in the everyday — the warmth of the first ray of morning sun, a flower swaying in the wind in our yard, or a weekend gathering with friends. We can also immerse ourselves wholeheartedly in certain activities without worrying about speed or gains and losses — it could be photography, gardening, karaoke, or simply curling up on the sofa to watch a movie. 保持童真并非逃避成年人的责任,而是以从容的心境去面对人和事。拥抱内心的童趣,就是重新认识玩乐的真谛。我们学着在日常中发现惊喜——清晨第一缕阳光的温暖,院子里那株迎风摇曳的花,或是与朋友周末的小聚。我们也可以全身心地投入某件事,不去计较快慢得失——可以是拍照、养花、K歌或者干脆窝在沙发里看一部电影。 On this journey of growth, may we always be surrounded by love. At the same time, permit yourself to be who you truly are. Being authentic doesn't mean seeking flawlessness. So in this world where everyone is in a rush, let's make a pact with our inner child. We should cherish its wisdom, learn its skill of finding joy in the present, and its courage to be our authentic selves. Even as we shoulder adult responsibilities, we must always carry this love, happiness, and that evergreen beauty of childlike innocence, wherever we go.在这条成长的道路上,愿我们永远被爱包围,同时也容许自己做自己,做一个真实不必渴求完美无瑕的人。在这个行色匆匆的世界里,让我们与内心的童真做个约定。我们要珍视它的睿智,学习它在当下寻觅快乐的本领,以及勇于做真实自己的勇气。即便肩负起成人的责任,我们也要随时随地携着这份爱、快乐,以及那份历久弥新的童真之美。 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:1.Reve - 홍월 2.Ralph Zurmuhle - For Michael