

2024-06-06    01'20''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

810 8

声音、文稿、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix Dear high school graduates: 亲爱的高考考生们: You are about to embark on an important milestone in life - the Gaokao. This annual high-stakes exam is a major life test for every participant. 你们即将迎来人生的一个重要里程碑——高考。这场年度大考对于每一位考生而言,都是一场人生的大考。 Over the years, you have shed countless sweat and tears, striving hard for this very moment. Now, you are like an arrow finally released from the bowstring, poised to soar towards your dreams across the horizon. 过去的时光里,你们为了这一刻而努力奋斗付出了无数的汗水和泪水。此刻的你们就像一支终于离弦的利箭,蓄势待发,飞向自己梦想的彼岸。 I wholeheartedly wish you: Take good care of your health, stay focused in the present, and perform your very best. No matter the outcome, always believe in your self-worth, for the scores may fade, but your courage, perseverance, and growth will forever accompany you. 由衷地祝福你们:保重身体,专注当下,发挥出自己最佳的水平。无论结果如何,请永远相信自己是最优秀的自己,因为分数终将被遗忘,但面对高考的勇气、毅力和成长将永远伴随你左右。 Stay strong! You are the stars of tomorrow! Wishing you all the best in the Gaokao! 加油!你们是未来之星!祝高考顺利! 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 - 14 - Variatio 13 a 2 Clav.