

2024-06-08    01'43''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

556 4

2024高考刚结束 英语作文这不马上出炉了 孟叔帮你写一篇作文 顺便录音给你听 就当作为高考后的放松 声音、文稿、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix Dear Jim,亲爱的吉姆: Regarding your plan to write about China's achievements for Asia Today, I think it would be great to focus on China's remarkable economic growth, scientific and technological advancements since its reform and opening-up. China's GDP has skyrocketed, lifting millions out of poverty and transforming the country into the world's second-largest economy. Additionally, China's achievements in areas like space exploration, high-speed rail, and renewable energy could be highlighted to showcase its innovative prowess. 关于你为Asia Today撰写中国成就的计划:我认为重点介绍中国自改革开放以来在经济增长和科学技术领域取得的非凡成就会是不错的选择。中国的GDP飙升,数百万人摆脱贫困,国家发展成为世界第二大经济体。此外,你还可以重点介绍中国在航空航天、高铁和可再生能源等领域的创新成就,展示其创新实力。 Furthermore, you could shed light on China's efforts in preserving its rich cultural heritage while embracing modernity. The preservation of historical sites, revitalization of traditional arts, and promotion of cultural exchange programs could be interesting angles to explore. 此外,你还可以关注中国在保护丰富文化遗产的同时拥抱现代化的努力。保护历史遗址、振兴传统艺术以及促进文化交流项目等,都可以成为你有趣的选题角度。 These topics would not only resonate with readers but also provide a comprehensive understanding of China's multifaceted progress, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to development and cultural preservation. 这些主题不仅能引起读者的共鸣,也将全面展示中国多方面的进步成就,彰显其对发展和文化遗产保护的坚定承诺。 Yours,Li Hua 你的朋友,李华 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix