

2024-06-22    03'03''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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很多事没有绝对的对错 只有不同的视角和立场 声音、文稿、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix ▽ Walking in Different Shoes: How Our Views Shift Have you ever found yourself in this situation: 孟叔想说,你有没有遇到过这样的情况: While driving, you can't help but mutter, "Why are these pedestrianswalking so slowly?" But when you're the one walking on the street, you think, "These cars are driving way too fast. It's so dangerous!" 你开车时,总会觉得:“这行人走得也太慢了吧,磨磨蹭蹭的!”但当你自己走在马路上时,又会想:“路上这些车怎么开这么快,太危险了,还一个劲乱按喇叭!” Sounds familiar? Don't worry, you're not alone. We've all experienced these moments of "dual personality." 是不是觉得有类似经历?其实,并不只你一个人有同感。我们每个人都经历过这种“双重性格”的时刻。 Examples like this are everywhere in our daily lives. When we're waiting in line, we always feel the service is too slow; but if we're the one behind the counter, we hope customers could be a bit more patient. As students, we think teachers assign too much homework; when we become teachers ourselves, we want students to do more practice. 生活中这样的例子比比皆是。比如当我们排队购物或点餐时,总觉得前台服务太慢效率太低;但如果我们是那个柜台后面的店员,又希望顾客能多一点耐心。还有学生时期,我们总觉得老师布置的作业太多;当自己成为老师的时候,又希望学生能多做点练习多学习些知识。 Interestingly, our thoughts change as our roles change. It's like we're playing a role-playing game. Every time we switch roles, we put on different "glasses," and the world we see changes accordingly. 所以我们的想法会随着身份的变化而变化。就像是角色扮演游戏,每换一个角色,我们就戴上了不同身份的“眼镜”,看到的世界和视角也就不一样了。 Recognizing this is quite fun, isn't it? It tells us that the world isn't simply black and white. Next time you think someone is doing something wrong, try "walking in their shoes" for a bit. You might find that when you look at things from a different angle, everything seems different. 认识到这一点其实挺有趣的,因为它告诉我们,这个世界并不是非黑即白那么绝对的。所以下次当你觉得别人做得不对时,不妨试着“站在他人的角度来看待问题”。这样你可能就会发现,换个角度看问题,一切都变得不一样了。 This way of thinking not only helps us understand others better but also makes our lives easier and more enjoyable. After all, when we learn to see things from others' perspectives, we can better understand this complex world and get along more harmoniously with others. 这种思考方式不仅能让我们更理解他人,也能让我们的生活更轻松愉快。毕竟,当我们学会站在别人的角度思考问题时,我们就能更好地理解这个复杂的世界,也能更和谐地与他人相处。 So, the next time you find yourself having a strong opinion about something, pause and think: What if the roles were reversed? How would I see it then? You might be surprised to find that the answer isn't as simple as you initiallythought. 所以下次当你发现自己对某事有强烈看法时,不妨停下来想一想:如果角色互换,如果我是ta的话,我会怎么看待这件事呢?可能你会惊讶地发现,答案并不像你一开始想的那么简单。 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:Music therapy-Dance of Gossamer