

2023-05-14    10'04''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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搜索公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。 Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来《闲话英伦》. Hi, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. Recently, there was a big event in the UK right? You've got a new King finally, after what... 70 years? We've actually had a new King since September, but this time he got a nice, shiny hat. Okay, so the Coronation of the new King加冕礼. You mentioned you've technically got a new King in September, does that mean officially or legally as soon as the Queen died that automatically made Charles the King? Yes. There's no period in Britain where we don't have a King or Queen. It happens automatically. 所以英国的君主制, 君主立宪制是君主一直有在位的, 一个君主去世之后, 马上就是自动下一个继承人就会... who's after Charles? That would be William. And then it would be Charles his grandson, George. I see. If we still have a King or Queen at that time. That's a whole different story. We're not gonna discuss how British people generally feel about having a King or a Queen. But first of all, this all happened 6th May, right?It was a Saturday. It was Saturday the 6th of May King Charles III was crowned at Westminster Abbey. I remember you telling me that you got a holiday. I did get a holiday, we got Monday off. Because of the Coronation. Because of the Coronation. I see, I read a little bit about it, I didn't watch it. But this whole thing seemed to be really complex. So I was hoping that you can walk us through the entire Coronation ceremony. It is very complex. I watched the Coronation from start to finish. It is a very complicated ceremony because the ceremony hasn't changed much in almost 1,000 years, and also it’s mainly a religious ceremony. That's actually my next question. It doesn't look like, for example, president being sworn in. It's not that kind of political or administrative procedures. A lot of it is highly ritualistic, 就是高度仪式化. 这种特别花里胡哨if you forgive my language, it's very elaborate. It is, let’s say it is a religious ceremony. And it’s also important to know it’s a celebration. Because as you mentioned before, Charles became King in September when the Queen died. It was not really the time for celebration. That's why there's always a gap between the King becoming the King and a Coronation. Because the country had to mourn the loss of their previous King or Queen. Now walk us through the ceremony, I've heard there were five parts. There were five main parts, before we start, it's important to note that this is actually a simple version of the Coronation. What is the long version? The long version is what happened 70 years ago when Queen Elizabeth... Yeah, and that lasted for quite a long time. This one was actually quite short. The Queen's ceremony was actually televised as well, was put on real time TV. That's right, for the first time ever. This is actually something that's a bit more meaningful for me because the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was actually the first memory of my mom and dad. When your mom and dad were very, very little. They were only about 2 or 3 years old at that time, and they still remember my grandmother actually bought television for this. I bet she was not the only one. This is actually what made television very popular in the UK. You really do like your monarch. Okay, so walk us through the ceremony, five parts. Alright, so first of all, it’s the Recognition. Recognition本意认可的意思, is it just like people recognize him as the rightful King?