

2023-05-16    10'01''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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搜索公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度!The next part is the big part really, this is called the Investiture. Investiture我查了一下叫做授职. Based on the Chinese I can only imagine this is basically giving the King the power. That's right. The King was presented with the Coronation regalia. What are the regalia? The regalia are all of the jewels and the gold. For example, you have the orb. Orb不是一个球吗? Yes, it’s basically a round golden ball with a cross on top, and that symbolizes the Christian world. Then he gets the sceptre, and that represents kingly power and justice. Sceptre我在打游戏的时候学到这个词, 就是权杖.   And the scepter is pretty amazing because it does actually have the world's largest diamond at the top of it. Oh, the bling-bling. And finally the big moment, the St Edward’s Crown. This is the crowning就是加冕了. Yes. St Edward’s Crown was placed on the King's head and you probably saw that it was quite difficult. That's because it weighs 2kg. 2kg is nothing. He is in his 70s. I was imagining something like 5 or 10kg. No, it's about 2kg but still would you really place 2kg on the head of someone in their 70s? Especially considering that he's already holding an orb and scepter and wearing lots of ceremonial clothing. And consider that he has to probably keep wearing that for a good half an hour. The St Edward’s Crown actually dates back to the 17th century. It's not actually the crown that's used every day. That's another crown. There’s an everyday crown? but I mean... Yeah, it's... when I say everyday crown, I don't mean that he wears the crown when he has a bath. You mean like normal, regular ceremonial crown, but this is a special Coronation crow. This is probably the only time he will ever wear the St Edward’s Crown. I see. So I have a question. Obviously the one who's putting the crown on the King's head is also Archbishop of Canterbury. Yes. I've read it somewhere that when the King is stepping up to his throne, he's helped by all these religious figures. Oh yes, that's partly symbolic, but also partly is... Because he's elder... Also because everything he's carrying is really heavy. Yeah, but when Queen Elizabeth, when... during her Coronation, she was very young. But she was still helped. They're not gonna like body builders or anything like that. You can see that they're basically they're carrying things that probably weigh about a good 10kg if not more. And they have the long... the gown the tunic. They have the gowns and they have the cloaks. So it does get rather difficult, and let's face it, would you really want to drop something at that time? You don't wanna trip over your tunic. Exactly. Remember, this is being watched by millions of people. So was that the end of the ceremony? Nope. Then it came to the enthronement. Now this is when originally the lords and nobles would swear loyalty to the King. And when Queen Elizabeth became the Queen, this lasted for hours because every single noble had to go, kiss the Queen and swear loyalty. Kiss the hand I'm assuming. Also the cheek. Okay.