Someone Great · 雲昊

Someone Great · 雲昊

2021-03-25    08'07''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第404期 主播:雲昊 坐标:烟台 电影《someone great》台词 Do you think I can have one more kiss? 我还能再亲吻你一次吗? I’ll find closure on your lips and then I’ll go. 吻别过后我就会离开 Maybe, also, one more breakfast, one more lunch and one more dinner. 也许,我们还可以一起在吃一顿早餐,一顿午餐,一顿晚餐 I’ll be full, and happy, and, we can part. 吃的心满意足以后我们就分手 But in between meals, maybe we can lie in bed one more time. 或许在我们享受美食期间可以在温存一次 One more prolonged moment, where time suspends indefinitely, as you rest your head on my chest. 当你再一次把头埋进我怀里的时候,我希望时间就此凝固 My hope, is if we add up the one mores, it will equal’ a lifetime 我希望,如果我们把所有的“再一次”加在一起,那便是一辈子 and I never have to get to the part where I have to let you go. 这样我就不会在失去你 But that’s not real, is it? 但这是不真实的,对吗? There are no more, one mores. 再也没有下一次了。 I met you when everything was new, and exciting, and the possibilities of the world seemed endless. 当我第一次见到你的时候我觉得一切都那么新奇,那么令人激动,整个世界充满了无限的可能 And they still are, for you, for me, but not for us. 世界在你我心中依旧如此,只是我们改变了。 Somewhere between, then and now, here and there, I guess we didn’t just grow apart, we grew up. 在某个当下,某个彼时彼地,我想我们并不是注定要分开,只是我们各自都成长了。 When something breaks, if the pieces are large enough, you can fix it. 破镜可以重圆 Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t break, they shatter, 可情若是散了,心便碎了一地 but when you let the light in, shattered glass will glitter. 倘若你让阳光照射进来,那些碎片会映出光芒 And in those moments, on the pieces of what we were catch the sun, 碎片里映着我们过去的点点,透着阳光散发着暖意 I’ll remember just how ‘beautiful it was. 我会一直记住我们曾那样美好 Just how beautiful it will always be, 它会一直温暖我的心底 because it was ‘us, and we were ‘magic, forever. 就像魔法一样,永不消散。 ▎主播介绍 一个热爱英语和电影的工科男 制作:雲昊