Hot stuff 是指烫手山芋吗? 是的打1 不是的打2 不知道的打3
Hot stuff 性感的人
Swagger右脑联想:hot gal 性感宝贝=hot babe ,或者你也可以称你的老公,情人为hot stuff
Swagger例句:He thinks he’s hot stuff. But everybody else thinks he’s a jerk.
Swagger短语解析: 如果你觉得某人很hot stuff ,你会发现他们很吸引人,特别是“性别”上的。If you think that someone or something is hot stuff, you find them exciting or sexually attractive
Put away 是指把….收起来吗? 是的打1 不是的打2 不知道的打3
Put away 把…收起来
Swagger短语解析:如果你把某样东西put away 就是指把某样东西收起来,譬如put away in a drawer.
Swagger右脑联想:put away 从表面意思上来看,是把某样东西放在一边不去用它,所以引申出来的意思就是把…收起来
课后作业 4s完成
Hot stuff
He thinks he’s hot stuff. But everybody else thinks he’s a jerk
Put away
He's an animal! He should be put away