

2024-05-14    07'27''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

275 2

【句子】Yeah, you know, it's been a month, and she hasn't heard anything, and she's just beside herself. 【Modern Family S3E17】 【发音】/jeə/ /ju:/ /nəʊ/ /ɪts/ /biːn/ /ə/ /mʌnθ/ /ənd/ /ʃiː/ /ˈhæz.ənt/ /hɜː(r)d/ /ˈen.i.θɪŋ/ /ənd/ /ʃiːz/ /dʒʌst/ /bɪˈsaɪd/ /hɜː(r)ˈself/ 【发音技巧】been a连读;and she不完全爆破;hasn't heard anything不完全爆破+连读;and she's 不完全爆破;just beside herself失去爆破+不完全爆破; 【翻译】是啊,都过去一个月了,保险公司方面还没有任何消息,她都快发疯了。 【适用场合】 今天节目中,我们来学习一下这里beside oneself (with sth.)的用法 可以理解成to be unable to control oneself because of the strength of emotion one is feeling; “(悲伤、激动、喜悦、难过、焦虑等)情绪失控” ; 比如说:If you are beside yourself with anger or excitement, you are extremely angry or excited. eg: I was beside myself when I found out I'd been rejected from my first-choice school. 当我发现我被我的首选学校拒了,我内心难过死了。 eg: Honestly, we've all been beside ourselves since the funeral. 实话说,自从参加完那场葬礼,我们一直都缓不过来。 eg: I was beside myself with joy. 我那会儿开心坏了。 eg: Sarah could not speak. She was beside herself with anger. 萨拉气得都说不出来话。 eg: He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done. 我把我做的事情告诉了他,他气得火冒三丈。 eg: She was beside herself when she found out she'd lost her ring. 当她发现她戒指丢了,她情绪失控了。 eg: They were beside themselves with excitement. 他们兴奋不已。 eg: They were beside themselves with glee. 他们欣喜若狂。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I felt sick, disgusted, and beside myself with rage.