

2020-11-18    08'37''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第388期 丰子恺《初冬浴日漫感》 主播:永清 进入立冬以来,气温逐渐下降,冬天的太阳变得格外温柔。在冬天,晒太阳是一件温暖和幸福的事,今天,想要为你读一篇应景的美文《初冬浴日漫感》,作者是丰子恺,译者是欧阳利锋。 《初冬浴日漫感》节选 On Winter Sunshine 作者:丰子恺,译者:欧阳利锋 After being away for a couple of months, I returned to my old home and took my place by the south window, but was surprised to find that most of my desk was now in the shade. Summer was long gone, and autumn was giving way to winter, so naturally enough the sun’s rays were now tilted from the south. 离开故居一两个月,一旦归来,坐到南窗下的书桌旁时,第一感到异样的,是小半书桌的太阳光。原来夏已去,秋正尽,初冬方到。窗外的太阳已随分南倾了。 I put a chair against the window and, with my back to the sunshine, sat down to read. The sun’s glow enveloped my upper body, and instead of roasting me as it did a couple of months ago, it made me feel warm and cozy. The mother of all living things seemed to be pouring her life-prolonging, regenerating milk into my body through her golden rays. 把椅子靠在窗缘上,背着窗坐了看书,太阳光笼罩了我的上半身。它非但不像一两月前地使我讨厌,反使我觉得暖烘烘地快适。这一切生命之母的太阳似乎正在把一种祛病延年,起死回生的乳汁,通过了她的光线而流注到我的体中来。 Closing my book, I began to meditate. I wondered how my feelings could change so drastically. What I loathed yesterday had now become my love, and what I threw away yesterday was now my goal. What I hated yesterday had now become my favorite. When I looked up and noticed the fan sitting on the shelf, I was once again shocked. What I loved yesterday was now loathsome, and what I pursued yesterday was now contemptible, what I craved yesterday was now despised. 我掩卷瞑想:我吃惊于自己的感觉,为什么忽然这样变了?前日之所恶变成了今日之所欢:前日之所弃变成了今日之所求;前日之仇变成了今日之恩。张眼望见了弃置在高阁上的扇子,又吃一惊。前日之所欢变成了今日之所恶;前日之所求变成了今日之所弃;前日之恩变成了今日之仇。 But it is not the things that have changed, but rather that I was betrayed by my feelings. How could they have done this to me? The answer can be found in Nature. Her decrees are so arbitrary that in summer you cannot reject the company of the wind, and in winter you cannot deny your love for the sun. And her decrees are so odd that she orders you to extol in summer what you cursed last winter and commands you to curse in winter what you loved last summer. 其实,物何尝变相?是我自己的感觉变叛了。感觉何以能变叛?是自然教它的。自然的命令何其严重:夏天不由你不爱风,冬天不由你不爱日。自然的命令又何其滑稽:在夏天定要你赞颂冬天所诅咒的,在冬天定要你诅咒夏天所赞颂的! Life has winters and summers as well. Childhood is like summer; adulthood like winter. Put another way, youth is like summer; old age like winter. In the winter and summer of life, Nature also brings about a reversal of feelings. As in all things, her decrees are so arbitrary – and so strange! 人生也有冬夏。童年如夏,成年如冬;或少壮如夏,老大如冬。在人生的冬夏,自然也常教人的感觉变叛,其命令也有这般严重,又这般滑稽。 最近,我在试着每天早上迎着朝阳,让阳光照在额头上,伸开双手全然地拥抱,感受阳光的能量进入身体,深深地呼吸,会感到生活充满希望。不妨,你也试一试。我是永清,这里是为你读英语美文,我们下期再会。 ▎主播介绍 永清:为你读英语美文创始人 制作,编辑:永清