2021第1期节目,从聆听一曲咏叹调开始 · 娇娇

2021第1期节目,从聆听一曲咏叹调开始 · 娇娇

2021-01-06    08'57''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第395期 2021第1期节目,从聆听一曲咏叹调开始 · 娇娇 封面作者:意大利画家 Giovanni Battista Torriglia 主播:Nina Zhan 娇娇( 12 岁) 地点:美国 · 芝加哥 大家好,我是华裔Nina 娇娇,很高兴在”为你读英语美文“节目里再次和大家见面。 从八岁起第一次做客”为你读英语美文“节目,到现在已经是第四个年头了。现在我读初中二年级,从小学到中学一路走来,感谢听众朋友们一直以来,对我的鼓励和对”为你读英语美文“节目的忠爱。 今天,我想为大家介绍的是意大利已故作曲家--安东尼奥·卡尔达拉和他在歌剧里写的一段咏叹调《虽然你冷酷无情》《Sebben Crudele》。这首曲子被翻译成了多国文字为全世界传唱。这也是我唱的第一首咏叹调,在节目的最后送给大家。 Antonio Caldara (1670 – 1736) was an Italian Baroque composer. He is one of the most productive composers of his era. To say Caldara was prolific is an understatement: he wrote nearly 3,500 works, including more than 90 operas, numerous oratorios, liturgical works, cantatas, madrigals, and many instrumental pieces. Antonio Caldara began his musical career as a cellist. 安东尼奥·卡尔达拉(1670年-1736年)是意大利巴洛克作曲家。安东尼奥·卡尔达拉是那个时代最多产的作曲家之一,说卡尔达拉多产是一种轻描淡写:他写了近3500部作品,包括90余部歌剧,众多圣经曲,礼拜仪式作品,康塔塔*,牧歌小调和许多器乐作品。他以大提琴家的身份开始了他的音乐生涯。 As a performer he was immensely talented: he was accomplished as a violin player, cellist, and keyboardist, and in his childhood, as a choirboy at St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, he was considered a highly gifted singer. 作为一名表演者,他非常有才华。他是一名小提琴演奏家,大提琴手和键盘手,并且在他的童年时曾在威尼斯圣马可大教堂担任合唱男孩,被认为是一位很有天赋的歌手。 Antonio Caldara was not only one of the most important composers of his generation, but wielded considerable influence over the evolution of Italian vocal music of the early eighteenth century. 安东尼奥·卡尔达拉不仅是那一代人中最重要的作曲家之一,而且对18世纪初期意大利声乐的发展产生了重大影响。 Caldara began publishing works soon after the age of 20, and by 30 was an opera composer. Beginning in 1699, for approximately eight years he was in service to Ferdinando Carlo. After some travels and performances in Spain and time in Rome and other places related to commissions, he settled in Vienna in 1716, where for twenty years until his death he served as vice-Kapellmeister to Emperor Charles VI, a position with a handsome salary which required him to compose over 30 dramatic works. 卡尔达拉在20岁之后, 就开始出版作品,到30岁时成为歌剧作曲家。 从1699年开始,他在费迪南多·卡洛任职大约八年。 经过一些旅行后,在西班牙演出并且在罗马和其他地方做商业演出,他于1716年在维也纳定居,在那里他呆了20年,直到去世为止,一直担任查理六世皇帝的卡佩尔副校,职位要求他创作30多部戏剧作品,并给予相当可观的薪水。 While his operas are rarely performed today, his instrumental and liturgical music has achieved some currency, and because of the increasing availability of them on recordings, Caldara's reputation could be on the upswing. 尽管他的歌剧如今很少演出,但他的器乐和礼仪音乐已取得了一定的成就,并且由于唱片中录音的可用性不断提高,卡尔达拉的声誉还在继续上升。 Moreover, having lived the last two decades of his life in Vienna, he was a significant factor in shaping the direction of both Viennese and German music. Unfortunately, many of his scores are lost, but there still exists a substantial body of work by which to judge him positively. 此外,在维也纳生活了最后二十年后,他是塑造维也纳音乐和德国音乐发展方向的重要因素。不幸的是,他的许多分数都丢失了,但是仍然存在大量的作品可以用来对他做出积极的判断。 "Sebben crudele" is an aria from Antonio Caldara's 1710 opera, La costanza in amor vince l'inganno. It comes from the third scene of the opera's first act, Sebben, crudele remains a popular concert aria. “ Sebben crudele”是作曲家安东尼奥·卡尔达拉(Antonio Caldara)1710年的歌剧《阿莫尔文斯·林加诺》中的咏叹调。 它来自歌剧第一幕中的第三段,直到现在歌曲 "Sebben, crudele" 依然是音乐会里流行的咏叹调。 安东尼奥·卡尔达拉在维也纳居住期间,每年需要创作许多不同规模的戏剧音乐作品,包括歌剧和清唱剧,并且为当地的狂欢节创作音乐。在他繁忙的作曲任务中,卡尔达拉还要为贵族创作歌剧。他的诸多创作也使他在维也纳声名卓著。 “ Sebben crudele”是作曲家安东尼奥·卡尔达拉1710年的歌剧《阿莫尔文斯·林加诺》中的咏叹调。 它来自歌剧第一幕中的第三段,直到现在歌曲 "Sebben crudele" 依然是音乐会里流行的咏叹调。 Parisott指出该歌剧的情节“simple and perfectly idyllic, but the graces of song are lavished throughout with a prodigal hand.““ Sebben crudele” 的曲调“简单而完美,具有田园风光,但歌曲表达的韵味却无限奢华。” 在节目的最后我为大家送上我唱的这首曲子。 让我们一起来感受一下这位17世纪意大利巴洛克作曲家的艺术才华。 Sebben Crudele 《虽然你冷酷无情》 作曲:Antonio Caladara Sebben Crudele, Mi fai languir, sempre fedele. sempre fedele ti voglio amar. Sebben Crudele. Mi fai languir, Sempre fedele ti voglio amar. Con la lunghezza, Del mio servir, La tua fierezza, La tua fierezza, Saprò stancar, La tua fierezza, Saprò stancar. Sebben Crudele, Mi fai languir, sempre fedele. sempre fedele ti voglio amar. Sebben Crudele. Mi fai languir, Sempre fedele ti voglio amar 歌词大意: 虽然你冷酷无情 我永远爱你 我的心永远忠诚而又坚定 我一片赤诚始终不渝 总有那一天 你铁石心肠也会动情 ▎背景知识 康塔塔(Cantata),指多乐章的大型声乐套曲。康塔塔源于意大利,后在德国盛行;其原意指声乐说唱的乐曲,后演变成包括独唱、重唱及合唱的作品。康塔塔由管弦乐队演奏,各乐章具有一定的连贯性;内容既有宗教题材,也有世俗题材。 后期:Jean